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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. We went this year and to be honest it looked just as good as ever. Loved the show - but will completely understand when you do decide to take a year off. I hope you benefited from at least a little of the money from the Patch last year.
  2. That's awesome! Congrats and good luck in your new home
  3. When I went to pay taxes on one of our vehicles I just paid what they said I owed. Later that day I had to go back and pay on our other car and heard one of the employees telling someone that as long as they had a sales reciept they would only have to pay on that amount. I was disappointed since the car I had paid on earlier that day we had bought from a family member and had not paid nearly what they said it was worth. I didn't realize that we could have appealed. This was in October. I may see if it is too late to appearl - thanks for posting this. I wouldn't have known appealing was a
  4. We might. We lost the cord to our Gamecube a few years back but I think we might still have a box with everything else somewhere. I'll check when I get back home and I'll PM you later if we have any remotes.
  5. Received this e-mail a short time ago: Dear Parent(s), If your child attended one of our student services last night, you may know that it wasn’t the typical Wednesday evening. Last night, a suspect with a warrant out for his arrest came onto West Ridge property. He had been pulled over by the police, abandoned his car and ran to escape apprehension. The suspect came down West Ridge’s parkway and to the entrance of the church. There was no evidence that the suspect was armed. As he was approached by a few leaders, the suspect quickly left the building. Our security team pro
  6. While I haven't yelled at anyone I have asked some questions. Especially when we were trying to decide which plan to choose and who I should get my upcoming root canal from. Most places were nice. In fact in regards to my root canal the insurance company gave me the "code" and I was able to call a few places to see what I my out of pocket would be based on the code and our plan information. Only one person was crabby. The Dentist office we went to most recently encouraged us to call with any questions we might have when trying to pick a plan and company for next year. No a Dr's office
  7. Same here. We currently have a $10 copay ($20 specialist) with $4 or $10 prescriptions. We will be paying about 2.5X as much come January 1st and will have a $2,750 per person deductible. Stinks!
  8. I was just coming on here to post about this. I love our schedule but would have been happy with whatever they choose and am just so grateful they didn't wait to Spring to decide.
  9. Just got home from picking up the kids from church. When I asked my daughter for details her reply was "You tell me, aren't they talking about it on P.com?". She did call me as I was on my way to let me know that she would need to be escorted to the car once I was there. By the time I got there her small group leader had called (and the guys working the parking lot) told me we had to park and go get our students. It went pretty smoothly, I was in and out in about the same time as usual. Sure wish I had a few more details though. All I heard was that there was an armed suspect loose in th
  10. I thought when I opened this thread it was going to be about the grown man in front of the bleachers snatching all the candy up. He did give a piece away now and again but it was kind of sad and ridiculous that he didn't sit down and let the little ones get the majority of the candy. Oh well, he was entertaining to watch and maybe he was getting it for a sick kid or something. He sure had a great time As far as political stuff being handed out at the parade we get handed stuff every year we are not interested in (and some that we are). Personally I would have love to have read what it
  11. Thanks! I read those but hadn't read the latest one. That is kind of exciting- the thought that we might know this month. I love the breaks but am sure I could find something to love about an alternative calendar as well.
  12. Yes it does stink a little. . I actually called last month and asked what the timeline was for the calendar - when they hoped to have some options for input, what month it would be voted on and approved, etc.. I was told "Sometime next year" Yea, like that helped. If I remember correctly though, this time around they are doing it for a three year period instead of two. If anyone hears anything different I would love to know.
  13. I had an awesome Thanksgiving. I got to spend time with family all day eating, watching TV, playing board games, then @6:00 pm my Dad, who was visiting from Michigan, and I went out shopping until about 10:00. When we got back we watched a movie. I don't see why stores opening on Thanksgiving means people don't or can't still spend quality time with their families. Now if they were open all day just like any other day that would be different but as it is now I am fine with stores opening at 6:00. I have to disagree about all the angry, greedy shoppers. I was in line a Walmart for an I
  14. Congrats to North on a stellar season!! I can't wait to see what next year brings for our Paulding County teams!!
  15. Very excited for North - Way to go Wolfpack!! Best of luck next week!
  16. That is sad. When I was in high school we had these for every away game. They were a lot of fun. In fact I was just telling my kids about them a week or so ago as I was wondering if something like this would be offered for the post season games. I can understand though but I still think it's kind of sad.
  17. Wow! Love that all of the Paulding teams are doing so well! Thanks for all the updates
  18. Good Luck to the Wolf Pack and please keep us posted. I too would love to see all the Paulding county teams win tonight. I would love, love, love one last chance to see East and North play but that is a long ways off. We will miss playing our friendly rivals next year
  19. I was in Target the other day to make a payment and saw that the service desk was now at one of the registers. The person working it was very nice but wasn't exactly thrilled with the new set up. They were hoping things would change back. She said that people think it is a check out lane and everyone ends up getting held up. Plus she needs more room to do her job efficiently and properly. I'm sure it is just something some over paid executive came up with that they will soon learn does not work. That is what life is about -- living and learning. Sometimes things look good on paper or in
  20. We also use Orthozone and highly recommend them. We visited three-four when my oldest needed braces and went with Dr. Singleton (Orthozone) and most recently when my son needed braces we visited five others and still went with Orthozone. I've heard great things about Dr. McClendon (even from the guy we went with) as well as Dr. Justice. Also heard great things about Dr. Patel but rumor has it she is leaving soon. My son really liked her office.
  21. I got a shot in each of my shoulders this past September and the difference was amazing. I still have pain in one of them but within a day or two one of the shoulders was completely pain free. The other, which was in worse pain was considerably better. I went to Physical Therapy @ 4 times and took a prescription as well. The Dr. asked if I wanted a refill but I thought I was so close to being 100% better I said no. Now the pain is getting worse in the one shoulder. I will say that I thought I was fine after getting the shots until I stood up and almost passed out. I was allowed to
  22. Is it true that if East beats Allatoona next week they still have a chance at the playoffs? Just curious. I thought we were pretty much out of it. Congrats to the Wolfpack! I saw a bit of the game online but mostly kept up through FB.
  23. Thanks! I will be stuck home and will of course want to know how y'all are doing.
  24. Thinking maybe this doesn't belong in the "May they rest in peace" forum. Sounds pretty cool though.
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