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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. I don't agree with that statement, it updates on a regular basis as vehicles are added and taken away. I have seen some some reported within one day of the lapse.
  2. Not true. Many times there is a delay between the policy lapse and when the insurance company reports it to the state. That means while in that window the registration is not suspended and the state system still shows valid insurance. I have seen up to three weeks.
  3. I would follow up with the investigating agency. Sometimes you can still cite after the fact with proof of the lapse.
  4. State Farm is playing you....at fault driver is responsible for all reasonable towing expenses in an accident. However, fault has not been officially assigned yet, the driver was simply cited by the investigating officer. The insurance companies and court make the final judgment as to fault.
  5. No...people of every group you can put people in cheat. The divorce rate is averaging 50% and a good many of those is the result of infidelity. If you are a politician it makes the news, not so much for everyone else.
  6. Looks like a mug shot. You would be surprised how many people do not have recent photos of them self. The mug shot is the most recent picture for many people that LE comes into contact with.
  7. Funny....the same people who sternly objected that the President has no control over gas prices while defending Bush after Katrina are the same ones pointing the finger at Obama. A little consistency is all I ask for.
  8. Not one person has a problem with that scenario as that it is the way it should be. What people have a problem with is when those views are taken to the next level to limit the freedom of others by force of law. My belief is even if you think drinking alcohol of any kind is 100% morally wrong, as an American you should not want to cause government interference with the lives of others when it does not affect you. Freedom means supporting the rights of others on issues that may not personally involve you. Bottom line....alcohol is a legal product that is prohibited one day a week to a
  9. As touching as that is....millions of responsible people enjoyed a nice Saturday night by sharing some cocktails with friends and family in this free country we live in. If we dug into your life I wonder what we could find that some don't agree with?
  10. You problem is you seem to assume everyone who drinks is an alcoholic which is not the case. The world is full of people who can responsibly enjoy alcohol without being addicted, alcoholics are a very very very small minority. So you are a prohibitionist and for you Sundays is the last small grasp you have to control of others.
  11. Who said it was a fatality? The HS student?
  12. That is the main problem....religious folks are taught that it is their duty to control the sinners and they have chose to use the law to do so.
  13. Wow....so everyone who drinks abuses people, drives drunk and acts stupid? There are no social drinkers who just enjoy a few beers on their weekend off work with Sunday football or at the backyard BBQ? Everyone drinks to oblivion so they are hung over the next day? Look down your nose and group people much? Funny thing is, emotional as your argument was, preventing Sunday package sales does nothing to prevent any of your claims since it is available for sales at other times for Sunday consumption and is available by the drink at local restaurants which ensures people have to drive.
  14. Morals are not exclusive to any particular religion or religion at all. All humans can understand right from wrong, they do not have to be 'taught' what is right from some book with a threat of being placed in some fire pit as punishment.
  15. Doubtful given that people can already drive to a restaurant or bar on Sunday if they want to drink which means they have to drive home. Sunday package sales will probably prevent some of that since the majority of people choose to consume alcohol in the privacy of their home. They will have the option of picking it up and going home instead of drinking in public. That is not even touching my main concern.....taking away the freedoms of all because of the religious beliefs of some. Alcohol is a legally sold product 6 days a week and is only illegal 1 day a week because some believe it i
  16. That could be the 2nd or 3rd unit going in if an accident has multiple injuries.
  17. I do understand the emotional reaction behind it but at the end of the day life is full of goals which must be attained. This is not a hard test by any means, it is actually just to show the minimum standards are met. If the test is required to receive a diploma then the BOE is doing the right thing. You participate in a graduation ceremony when you actually graduate with a diploma.
  18. How true. Either reply works for me.
  19. Most of the "optimizers" are crap and do nothing but take your money. You already have a good anti-virus with Avast. I would install something to look for malaware. Spybot, Ad-Aware, and Malawarebytes are my favorite free ones. They will remove all the bad stuff picked up from the internet that slows everything down. If you keep the viruses and malaware off your system you will have less problems in the long run and things will run smoother.
  20. I don't see how this is a PC school system problem. You have a student who cannot pass a standardized test that the overwhelming majority of students in the same district breeze through. This sounds like the failure is with the student. I wonder what extra steps were taken to try and correct the problem by the student and her parents?
  21. Many in DC, including members of both parties, have knowledge of the intelligence leading up to locating OBL and the results of the operation. It is not like the President is the only representative who knows what happened. As the CiC, he simply had to give the final approval to go. As for wanting to hear form the person "who put the bullet in his brain". Considering that is an active member of SEAL Team 6, it won't happen anytime soon, if ever.
  22. Just those who are conspiracy nuts or those looking to feed an agenda. There is no need to make the pictures public because the government does not need to prove anything to the general public especially when that release would endanger Americans and troops around the world. Those responsibilities should be in the hands of the people we elect to represent us. Even if you make the photos public those who doubt will just claim they are fakes. Hell, people still claim the moon landings were made in the desert, Elvis is alive, and the government is responsible for the WTC and TWA 800.
  23. Different spellings....there is no standard direct translation from Arabic to English.
  24. Not in a case like that...it can be coorborated by the victim in the dump truck and the impact left by the cup. If the call is because someone is simply speeding then it has to be witnessed.
  25. I still think you are still looking at it from a strange angle. The motivation to sieze funds and cars gained from criminals acts is to cripple the criminal enterprise, not to gain money for the government. I have never met an officer whose motivation was based on the revenue they generate. We enforce the law, fines and seizures are a form of punishment for those crimes. Punishment and the awareness of potential punishment for wrong doing is what we are after. It is one of the best ways to correct and deter criminal activity.
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