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Everything posted by Gone

  1. Family Intervention Specialists I'm just say'n ...he might make it to his 9th B-day
  2. I spent the summer in the West…and there were record cold temps. News worthy reports about other countries also had reports of record cold. This 2010 Winter January to March was a very cold one world wide… so you might research how some of the reporting stations that were colder were taken off line (not in the statistics) and the ones that now sit in the middle of concrete parking lots or next to buildings tend to have higher temps than when they were in the middle of a field? I would read more than just this site you found ... there has been much more going on. On balance, Planet Ear
  3. I had a day like that ... several injuries, I couldn't find either set of car keys, broke things , much later I couldn't find my ATM card!!!!! Luckily that day I was out with a friend and fortunately she had planned to drive. As the day went on I had so many odd “accidents” her comment was "Good thing you couldn't find you keys!! Who knows what could have happened!" I’m usually not the one to have anything like that happen … that was another reason why my friend and I just kept laughing – usually that stuff happens to her! You just needed to lose your keys! Tomorrow i
  4. We tell the AJC until they cover Paulding for things other than crime, we have no need for the paper ... as you said it's all on P.com anyway!
  5. Ohhhh for heaven’s sake... not this non-sense again... :Halloween for all us PAGANS is on the 31st ...and I am not giving out candy to all the cute little goblins on the 30th! If you are so religious that you can’t celebrate a fun day for CHILDREN to be given candy by their neighbors, all the while dressed up like Dorothy or Tin Man, Pebbles or Bam Bam, Superman, Jasmine, Cinderella or Iron Man, then just stay in your house, TURN OFF THE LIGHTS and be grumpy! After all your next participation will come in December where you can frequently yell out “Bah Humbug!”
  6. I wish they put this much passion into wanting a well run government! ...Heck I wish Americans put this much passion into wanting a well run government! Of course, I read that many in impoverished Afghanistan have limited access to news outlets and the Internet... so they do not know the Quran (Kuran, Koran, Qur’ān, Coran or al-Qur’ān ) was not burned?
  7. We have a neighbor and friend who both use the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. and swear by it. Our neighbor went for Prostate cancer 12 years ago ... doing great all these years later... he has his annual check there still. He is the one who made our other friend go to get an evaluation at Mayo FL,he and his wife drove her down there! She had a rare condition that was never correctly diagnosed by the many specialists she had been to see in Atlanta and Marietta over the years. It just got worse and worse because they kept telling her she had Arthritis ... to the point she had musc
  8. Get it right …it’s CDO …now it’s in the right order ...alphabetical of course! Guilty of this too … nothing worse than pouring a drink then smelling that wet sponge smell as you drink because the cups were jammed together before they were dry!
  9. We had two computers infected the end of July with that virus. One computer I had to hire someone to clean ...then reload all programs. Another computer wasn't as corrupted and we were able to load a better spyware program that removed it. My son’s computer had ESET antivirus and it stopped it before it got in … I bought two more copies and loaded it on the other two computers. That virus kept coming at the computer it took about two weeks for it to not keep triggering the antivirus program … I thought it would be reported on the news… but it never was? I wondered how many wo
  10. Arizona just got rid of the last of their blue laws! August first of 2010 they can now purchase at 6:00AM any day of the week. (From 2:00AM to 6:00 AM you cannot purchase.) I lived there in 1987 and we could not purchase until 12:00 PM on Sunday ... interesting how they s...l...o...w...l..y changed. Since I moved from a state with NO Blue Laws I thought it was SO WIERD! PHOENIX - Liquor laws around the Valley are about to change, letting Arizonans buy liquor earlier on Sundays. "Especially now, everyone will benefit," says Lisa Jensen, who owns the Dark Horse Sports Bar and Gr
  11. Throw some steak scraps over the fence and talk to them so they know you are a friendly. One of my neighbors does that and all the dogs just wag their tails when she comes out of her house ... and she rarely brings scraps anymore!
  12. Down $656.00 Now where are all those people mad that the taxes went up this year? I support what David Austin and the commissioners are trying to do by maintaining services but tightening up in all areas possible! But if the rest of you want to listen to the current bunch at the GOP taken over by the Gallaways - with Jerry Sherrin standing in the wings waiting for his come back to run again- keep drinking the Kool-Aid that a misinformed group on here have been pushing about David and others.
  13. This peculiar QFT acronym expression stands for "Quoted For Truth". It has two particular meanings when used in a discussion forum. 1) QFT is an expression of agreement and support, where the user stands behind you and one of your statements. This commonly occurs in controversial topics where opinions are very heated, and people will choose sides in an argument. If someone "quotes you for truth", they are paying you a compliment, and siding with you in the discussion. 2) QFT can also be used to preserve an original forum post, so that the original author cannot edit after the fact. A
  14. Thank you for the information ... I will give it to the ones that are coordinating this and who will be speaking with the mom!
  15. I believe she was chosen because she has shown she is working as hard as she can to give her kids a better life. I lived in New Orleans on the North Shore in 2007 and there were many not willing to work even though there were a shortage of workers. I agree that many played the system, or knew no better. They rarely worked and had an entitlement attitude that the government owed them. I think this mom is trying very hard. I understand the three boys share a bunk bed (with a 12 year old and 7 year old doubling up on one of the twin mattresses of the bunk bed,) the two girls sleep
  16. Next to Paulding Co Transfer Station is the Recycling Center 65 County Services Ln. Dallas, GA 30132 Ph: (770) 443-0119 Fx: (770) 443-0198 Hours Recycling Center Monday - Wed and Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 7:30 am - 12:00 noon Thursday and Sunday Closed http://www.paulding.gov/index.aspx?NID=196
  17. Yeah, I happened to be driving home just as the teens were meeting at the spot where Zach from North Paulding was in the accident. They had a cross decorated and it looked like kids were bringing things to lay beside it. I know it was an outward way to share their loss - A way to try and make sense of the senseless. It was touching, made me sad, and proud of the community we live in that they gathered to honor his life.
  18. I agree - I would not make a road-side memorial. Personally I prefer to remember the person with a photo or other keepsakes. However, if a Muslim lost a person here in Paulding...I would not mind them putting a crescent, since that seems to be a tradition here ... decorating the spot of tragedy.
  19. What other symbol do all people know? In our country most people associate a death or memorial with the symbol of a cross. That is tradition. What would an atheist put to denote a death? Skull and cross bones? A heart with a halo could also be called religious since angles are associated with God and the devil? But it is much more subtle. Maybe just a heart?
  20. We will not subscribe to the AJC because they seem so dis-interested in reporting on anything of interest to Paulding Co residents. ... Just as some TV news stations seem biased against reporting on Paulding unless it has to do with a murder or pit bull attack. We were pleasantly surprised to see Paulding election results on the TV last Tuesday!
  21. Don't read or open anything he writes ... most of it makes no since ........ (sense) :rofl:
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