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Everything posted by GRI5TH

  1. They could call themselves "Muslites"
  2. They are free to be fools right now, but there will be no freedom of speech on judgment day, no signs to be carried and no TV cameras to give them publicity.
  3. I was going to offer an opinion (not a lesson), but that would go against the rules in your post. Good luck
  4. Those who do their jobs properly and have any years of experience know the category of people AE represents and really don't care what they think. No amount of posting or defending the law enforcement community will change the attitude. I talk to them every day and the best response is a simple smile. An officer can't un-do what mommy and daddy failed to do during the first 18 to 20 years.
  5. Interesting fact. The crew of the show COPS have to spend approximately a full week with an agency to accumulate enough material for one 30 minute episode.
  6. I only do it 'cause I got tired of being a carpet cleaner.
  7. Go ahead and build that Tower of Bable in close proximity to the new Freedom Tower. Maybe the next attack on the Freedom Tower will result in the loss of a billion dollars worth of Islamic property in the process. Better sign up for some serious insurance muhammad.
  8. Well, I'll have you all know that when I blow the grass off the driveway and into the street, I scatter it enough that even CSI can't find it.
  9. You know how I love the beach! Hope you had a great time!
  10. You'd think they'd keep the Liberty Bell since it has so much in common with Washington... They BOTH are CRACKED!
  11. I think P-Bo should have just ordered that everyone have a day off with pay. That way, I could have been home to lower my flag. But NOOOOO! So as it turns out, it's his fault mine is still flying at full staff!
  12. But fortunately for me, I try to stay away from establishments that run over 350 degrees.
  13. Have a great time lumak. Run a mile or so for me...I could use it.
  14. Being with DW when her mouth is shut is a problem for me. It means she's TICKED about something and loading up for the O.K. Corral. I'd rather her be talky-talky any day.
  15. GRI5TH


    Someone actually asked me last week if England had a 4th of July. I told them as far as I knew, yes, in addition to a 3rd and a 5th.
  16. You may not have seen the news report, but for the past 20 or so years men have been drug to the mall and have to sit on benches while the women shop. Their only entertainment was to watch everyone who passed them by. They finally developed the art of people watching and it has just recently been given "National Past Time" status and is officially a recognized sport. Looks like now the women are getting involved. ....sorry baseball fans.
  17. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm just thankful they didn't make the use of a cell phone in a vehicle unlawful period. I certainly don't text and drive. It's too much trouble to fumble around for my reading glasses.
  18. You could always just tie one half of your brain behind your back, just to make it fair...Like El Rushmo. That's what I do.
  19. I got one. Love it so far. I have the Sneaky Fart app, just to make Guard dad jealous.
  20. I can relate, Bro. It's been a few years since I pulled these 12 hour nights and it takes it's toll from time to time. The good points are I drive against traffic....both ways, I'm watching an hour or two of the tube and laying down while everyone else (just about) is starting to work and I can make any meal either breakfast, lunch or dinner because I have lost all concept of time and which day of the week it is. The down side is...People I know can't grasp the fact that my phone shouldn't ring in the middle of the day (my night). Unfortunately, turning the phone off is not an option. A
  21. All I've been hearing for the past couple of days is about how wonderful Nationals pitcher Strasburg is. Now, granted, he IS a good pitcher, but the Nats didn't overcome Hudson tonight. I think it's dangerous, although a tad funny, when they build up these young phenoms only to see them get a little dose of reality. GOOD JOB BRAVES....Beat 'em like a DRUM! .......................... ..................................................... ............................................................................... (In case you are wondering....t
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