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Everything posted by GRI5TH

  1. Either that or a wannabe that no agency would hire.
  2. Why not tell us how many years ago that was, or do your "sources" not know? I'm sure you would agree that your post should include a list of bashes for those who work in whatever trade or profession he has been employed with for the past decade.
  3. That sounds about like a relative sending you a birthday card and writing inside, "I was going to send $20 bucks with this card but I had already sealed the envelope".
  4. Only if I set them to record. Did I miss a good one?
  5. That's good, low milage. I'm sure it's well taken care of. Just keep it AND get the T-bucket. The 94 is my 3rd, but I don't have the other two anymore. First was a 79, then an 82. You probably figure I'm a fan. You'd be correct.
  6. 79 K I've put 8 K on it since I bought it 7 years ago.
  7. Mine's getting there. It turned 16 this year and I'm so proud. We had a sweet 16 garage party with hats, balloons and everything.
  8. What? We're just funnin' Tis the silly hour...glad you stopped by.
  9. Wednesday morning in my Friday night. I know, I stay confused... The DVR is my friend. It actually feels like Friday when I can select from a list of some of my favorite shows. Help me pick. So many shows....so little time before I nod off.
  10. I hope he has a gas credit card. He'll still be looping this time tomorrow.
  11. Mrs. Reacher took her car at lunch last year to get it tested. Emission dude failed it and told her it needed to be diagnosed and repaired. She has taken it in for EVERY service for 100,000 miles without fail and she knew there was nothing wrong with it. Not wanting to fool with the hassle, she immediately drove across Hwy 41 to another testing site. It passed with flying colors. She drove back across the street and shoved the passed test results under the first guys nose. They wouldn't refund her money and she was TICKED for a week. I hate that guy for that. Momma ain't happy....NOBODY h
  12. Get back on the radio and tell him to go to the dead end and take a left.
  13. Oh, yes I remember. What an exciting time for America and the Space Program. What are we doing with space exploration now?...SQUAT NOTHING! I probably shouldn't ruin your topic by getting on the soap box, so I won't. Lord, bring back those thrilling days when America was GREAT! Those were the days when men were men and women were.....glad of it.
  14. Depressing isn't it? I like the people who call and when you answer they say, "Who's speaking"? I always reply, "I don't know, I can't see you" I've lost all hope for humans. Darwin had it all wrong.
  15. ....and I'm walking around when I see this guy from work. He waved, walked over to me and asked how I was doing. I told him I was doing just fine. He then asked, "You alone"? I replied, "You kidding? There must be 2 thousand people here" Moral of the story: My friends are idiots. PSA: The time is now 02:50 AM. Do you know where your little hoodlums are?
  16. I bought my truck new at the end of 2006 and drove it for about a year. In early 2008 I was provided, let's just say a "company car" to drive for until May of this year. The truck sat for those 2+ years, except for weekend personal reasons. As of last Friday it had 25,000 miles on it and I went for the first mandatory emissions test. Now I've been driving it since May. It failed the "rediness" test. The emissions dude said it must be because it isn't drivin much. He suggested that I drive to Barrett Parkway and back a couple of times and test again. He said I should "really get on it" i
  17. No kidding. I consider myself fortunate that I wouldn't even be able to pick her out of a photo line-up. The ONLY thing good about all this E Hollywood crap is that it makes me feel fortunate that I live on the opposite side of the country from the Left Coast. Maybe if they keep her in jail long enough she won't have time to testify before congress as an expert in global warming or some other liberal cause that is running this country into a ditch. On a lighter note, it's my Friday!
  18. I sure hope our little concert didn't turn any of your voters off.
  19. OH! Let me decide... Let's say....Oh.....about 500 miles to the east of Ground Zero. It could be on one of them fancy platforms in the middle of the Atlantic. That way they could meditate on their little flying carperts and drill for oil all at the same time.
  20. Someone could have clued him in that you can buy a Playboy at the convenience store.
  21. I believe it's the nation that has changed....and not for the better. Get your pen ready because the winner is YOU.
  22. I'm certain it's not fake. Sorry I can't elaborate
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