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Everything posted by GRI5TH

  1. Correct. Christian are open game and it's been accepted for so long, they may not even recognize the double standard. Bless their hearts.
  2. 4 pages to read? No thanks. But is America Islamophobic? No more than America is Christophobic. I don't recall ever reading in TIME how Christianity is trashed and its believers made light of by media of all types over the past decades. If believers of Islam feel hated and despised, they either need to get in line behind Christians or better yet, get over it. Don't agree? Then visit a few threads here on p.com.
  3. Well, he ain't near as purty as Paula. But aside from that, he knows a lot more about the music industry than Ellen. It may not be behind the scenes producing and so forth, but more so about stage presence and entertainment ability. That's what the contestants need to know anyway.
  4. Good to hear it, Subbs! I'm just glad you'll still be doin' some fixin' on the side. I'm sure I'll request your services again next spring.
  5. You know, there is more than just one kind of "preaching" in this world. I imagine this complaint would still have been posted if it was a country music concert in which some artists "preach" and glorify extra marital affairs, boozing it up and assaulting drunks in bars. Different people are offended by different things. Non-Christians don't have the corner on the market. Now, for me, I may not have attended either. I'd rather sweep floors as to listen to some of today's progressive Christian music.
  6. BRING BACK THE MOOD RINGS....and the McRib!!!!
  7. Fred's what is closed? Why did he leave it open in the first place.
  8. ...and people have it backwards anyway. The idea is to protect the Church from the State. The Founding Fathers had enough sense to know that the nation didn't need protection from the faithful.
  9. I would certainly hate for that to be the case since our group performed at the ribbon cutting ceremony.
  10. I was happy on my way to work when I found out. It's been FAR TOO LONG since we had an FM Talk Radio station. Sorry if you liked the other station. I can't say that I've heard it anyway.
  11. I'm just thankful that I don't get what I deserve. PHEW!
  12. The work has only been slowed down because authorities at the Cobb County connection are now having to run backgrounds on the workers to ensure they aren't illegal.
  13. It's a new concept they're going for. I heard they were going to attach a Harley Playhouse for the motorcycle types, complete with little plastic Harley rides and a ball bewb swim.
  14. PHEW! I'm just relieved Mel didn't trash a real sports car.
  15. I'll have you fine folks know that I was a Commodities Organizer and Transporter in 1977. In simple terms, I was a bag boy at the Super Duper grocery store in Circleville, Ohio. An involuntary member of the Retail Clerks Union that absconded with my ENTIRE first paycheck for "union dues". What a blessing they were. Ah, yes...Ohio. The wonderful world of having your face totally FROZEN for nearly six months out of the year. Thank God for parents who decided to move BACK south.
  16. In all things, give thanks. The old saying, "life is but a vapor" is so true. Be thankful for each moment with family and expecially our children. I'm reminding myself in this post as much as I am encouraging others to do the same. Things of this world mean nothing when compared to our loved ones.
  17. I have the Verizon Droid and am very pleased. I like the Google mail and sync link-up. Wife and daughter just up-graded to a droid based phone.
  18. You know what burns my butt? A flame about 3 feet high.
  19. God forgive me when I whine. We don't have problems when you think about what these families go through. May God comfort them at this time is our prayer.
  20. Prosecutor: "Please state your name for the record" Witness: "John Play Doe" Prosecutor: "And what is your birthday"? Witness: "April 14th" Prosecutor: "What year"? Witness: "Every year" My deepest apologies. It's 3:26 AM and that's the best I can do, considering I'm surrounded by crazy people.
  21. That just made my brain hurt.
  22. I should have substituted the word "junk", because that's all it was.
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