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Everything posted by GRI5TH

  1. I heard it was going to be Randy, Jay Lo and Steven Tyler.
  2. It's actually the END of my week, which makes it even better than Wednesday for me. So, a very good morning...although it's good night for me. Don't worry, I stay confused. I'll get over it.
  3. Oh, I don't believe that either. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord". Other than the dear departed, there are other spirits walking to and fro, as from the Biblical perspective.
  4. Okay. I'll go ahead and tell it. When it happened I thought about posting about it, but never did. I have no desire for my friends on here to think I'm seeing things or am going crazy. I enjoy watching all the ghost shows with DW on TV, but for entertainment purposes and usually made fun of them. Sorry, this will take a few minutes to type. Please feel free to skip over the post if it's too long. Around October of last year was when my 17 year old daughter had her wreck that totaled her car. I was working days at the time. I usually set my clock for 4:30 AM to get up and go to the gym.
  5. I've seen the preview for that episode so many times, I feel like I've already watched it. But it is a good series and I watch it when I get the chance. I think I'll check out "Top Shot" in the morning. I fast forward through all the drama and watch the competition. If they'd drop all the filler crud "I hate Bob and want him off the team", some of these reality shows would be more appealing. If they're not on my DVR and can fast forward, I skip them.
  6. Thanks, weatherboy. We look forward to being involved again this year. I look forward to seeing you again! Be sure to bring your ear plugs. We gonna BLOW IT OUT this year!
  7. Please stop talking about food, Bro. I haven't had lunch yet and I'm SO hungry I could eat the rear end out of a rag doll right now!
  8. Yes, stopping me is very dangerous. We could both get killed out here!
  9. You can't make him a sandwich or something? Where's your concern for your fellow man?!
  10. Here's what you do when you get stopped, folks. Officer: "I clocked you doing 67 in a 55 zone" You: "I certainly understand officer and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. But it is important that I make you aware that earlier today I was doing 20 in a 35 mile per hour zone. So, in reality, you still owe me 3 miles per hour." Works every time.
  11. The question is, did he keep his comments to himself or did he express them and get rewarded with the wooden shampoo?
  12. GRI5TH

    Fox TV

    I said how are you, lumak? I said how are you, lumak? I keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency.
  13. There is only one thing that I know for certain, Angel Eyes must be on vacation.
  14. GRI5TH

    Fox TV

    I must have missed that. I must have missed that.
  15. This is a wonderful ministry folks. It's not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. God bless all your efforts.
  16. I don't know why the folks at Target got so upset just because I put a few items in my jacket pockets. I was just trying to save the planet for heaven's sake.
  17. It was just a question, but remember that music will be "old school" one day. Yes, we are living in the land of the easily offended.
  18. Any Quartets or was it all 7-11 music?
  19. You among men are indeed fortunate...
  20. You are correct, but she was on lunch break and needed it done that day. If she had done what the emission dude said and had it diagnosed and then took it for repair (not that it needed any as it turned out) she would certainly have spent more time and money than the "second opinion" test costed. As some have mentioned, it just involves metro counties. I know the argument is there is a higher volume of vehicles in the metro, but if the concern was really the environment, it would be required State wide. Not that they haven't thought of it I'm sure. But they have reviewed the cost of th
  21. Just curious. Is "I Shot the Sheriff" your theme song?
  22. That's alright. The poster doesn't either. Oh, but to answer the OP's question. No
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