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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. it wasn't his fool behind it was mine.. lol needless to say we had to go to the car wash on the way home because it was between random thundershowers yesterday
  2. I put my drink on top pf my hubby's car and forgot about it...I wasn't trying to carjack him just needed an extra hand to open the door. I did forget about it but when we started moving it quickly fell off true story... It happened yesterday
  3. I only know you from pcom and I was not impressed so this means nothing to me coming from you And the Have Mercy on her soul is a tad bit drama filled and over the top! Why the slander? Yes it is called slander Happy Voting tomorrow
  4. Sadie612

    Get Low

    Saw the movie last week for a press viewing ... it was good and I was able to pick out a few faces I recognized.
  5. I love AT&T..I have never had an issue with them. I only had to call them when my nephew ran my bill up to $1600 but they took the bill down a lot!!!! Other than that my bill is always right
  6. not me =( I am moving that day... who wants to help me move?..ha
  7. I am A OK with it... I am glad... people went cray cray during that weekend and I would stay away from stores during that time. The state lost MILLIONS!!!! Plus you can save more during sales and using coupons ha, I have many days like this too
  8. I told my daughters friend the other day I know how she is gonna die... Her Eyes got big and said "for real, how?" I said TExting and walking cause that day she walked in front of 2 cars and tripped all cause she was texting. She laughed and said her mom told her the same thing
  9. people are crazy... next They will have them with Spiders crawling all over you... INSANE!!!!
  10. is this coming from the lady that said she would NEVER get a FB?
  11. I forgot how to post a video on here but here is the link to a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPTnw146eYk
  12. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16812096/ really a spa treatment using snakes.... That is more like a torture chamber I will pass
  13. I love the snake drain cleaner...anyone with a teenage girl with lots of hair should have one... I have the Magic Bullet ( my hubby makes fun of the name) and love it
  14. "New research might have restaurant goers skipping the spicy salsa and cool guacamole." http://www.localwireless.com/wap/news/text.jsp?sid=146&nid=15984586&cid=382&scid=-1 Who wants to go eat mexican with me tomorrow ... I ain't skeerd
  15. Agree 100% about going to the TN one...The GA Aquarium was a BBBBBBBBIIIIIIIGGGGGG disappointment
  16. went to Rodney's tonight for the cut your own steak thingie... all I can say is ....YYYYUUUUUUMMMMMM <--- That is me licking my lips My hubby can't wait to go back next Friday
  17. sounds cool... I am in the middle of moving right now... I am going crazy with all the stuff that goes along with that. I might check into it for next year because my DD does go to South Paulding
  18. That is fun... I love stuff like that btw if we know someone that goes by the name skeet and we shoot them too because he annoys the crap out of me
  19. My dd has begged me to do something like this... how does the program work? I can't this year cause I have toooo much going on
  20. but what does it mean? I don't know what this meaaaans!!!
  21. wow.. sounds like he is doing something else he was really touched by this.. wow I can't believed he cried like that...lol I wonder if he was high
  22. CE... I will let you rent me Misery loves company.. I want someone to go with me to get my oil changed, return something at best buy and to help pack and clean... I will only charge you $5 to come along for the ride
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