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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. There is a man that just got done eating dinner and he was on his way to a party. Half way there he said, "man i really gotta take a dump." he got off the freeway, found an abandoned gas station went in there and took a dump. While he was taking this dump he read a sign that said "There is no toilet paper... You have wipe your butt with your first two fingers, then stick them out the hole and they will be licked clean for you." Well, he had no choice so he wiped his butt with his fingers and stuck them out the hole. All of a sudden a guy with two bricks smacked his fingers.
  2. I just saw the thingie for it... that is one show I will not be watching...it makes me wanna
  3. no comment... I have many comments but can not post them...this made me laugh
  4. silly the undies at goodwill are not new...maybe kinda like new so go across the street and get some cute ones at Target
  5. ummmm ha buy new undies ya freak... lol jk
  6. I hate it when you are looking for something and you realize that it is in your hand.
  7. When your local newspaper calls & tries to get you to subscribe & they ask how you get your news, tell them you get everything you need to know from Facebook, TMZ and Pcom... the person on the other end will laugh
  8. I am a Christian and I am celebrating on SUNDAY Oct 31st.. ha That stuff doesn't bother me
  9. I just called the lawyer that handled the closing and she said she was gonna take care of it... for good lawyers
  10. idk who lives there now if anyone... Sold it to out of town folk. from what my old neighbor tells me nobody has moved it yet
  11. I got mine too and I got one for a house I don't even own anymore... I have no clue what to do about that
  12. dangit... This topic just made me go shopping there
  13. I have been a customer of theirs for over 10 years... I love them
  14. so the coaches are kinda like their pimps and tell them where to go, how to play and what moves to do???? lol Yeah my hubby gets frustrated with me when I ask questions like this.. ha
  15. I have no clue... I don't wanna learn. Men chasing each other for a pig skinned ball in tight pants, rolling around on the ground and dancing at times trying to score and getting all sweaty doesn't sound fun to me.. ha
  16. Praise God that show is no longer... my hubby drove me cray with that show
  17. Nothing here in The Georgian up 61.... my flowers and lawn needs it bad!!!!
  18. I am not weird at all... it is everyone else around me that is sooooo weird
  19. I am a cereal ...Cause I always read the back of the cereal box
  20. SO my DD left lip gloss in her pocket and it got washed and dried. It exploded in the dryer and ruined a ton of clothes... doe anyone know how to get it out of clothes
  21. someone on FB said they saw it happen and that it was a Ford Explorer but didn't really know nothing else
  22. tears have filled my eyes many times today... My love and prayers go out to not only Windy and Barry but for Marina, jennifer, Ashton and the rest of the family I love you guys!!!!
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