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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I didn't know .. now I just feel like poop for the fb message I just sent you I drove my mom crazy with this one.. I just called her and said this... she said she is gonna rub my face in poop if I start that again here is another one.. I would get in trouble if I said it around my parents though... I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up!
  2. I just called the same dude every stinking day... I went out of town for 4 days and didn't call him but made up for the days I missed the day I got back and it really bugged him.. haha I finally got a new roof and windows after 7 months of trying it was just pure entertainment towards the end because I would state my reason every day for calling then ask about his weekend, his family and just stupid jokes. ha I told him I was a stay at home mom and could call as much as I needed.. so I think he basically paid to get rid of me
  3. maybe it is your hemp necklace you are wearing that causes the fast heart rate
  4. do you wanna be my bff..haha I go through this every Monday
  5. I used that already copycat copycat 2 by 4 ( what ever that meant..I just know me and my brother said it a lot..ha)
  6. your momma, your daddy your greasy greasy granny I am still waiting to hear why you had to get out of the car btw no workers from pizza hut was harmed making this status
  7. don't make faces because one day your face will freeze that way... hmmm maybe that is my problem
  8. well, what comes around goes around
  9. on here.. ha but that is ok because circle, circle, dot, dot, now I have my cootie shot
  10. btw CE I U... someone thought I was being mean to you.. hahahaha
  11. did you just call me a porn star... rofl I have never heard that one you lent licker
  12. "Talk to the hand, talk to the butt, talk to the man from Pizza Hut" I didn't want you to miss your kids to much while you were at work
  13. a condo or suite because staying in a small hotel with your whole family is more like hell than a relaxing time packing list must... Itouch and my neck pillow
  14. Good Morning... lots to do today... getting the family ready for the Dove Awards tomorrow night. I think I have waited to the last possible moment to get our gowns, tuxes and accessories ...I am at the stressing out stage right about now y'all have a blessed blessed day
  15. Almost time for the last show ever..thank ya Jesus.. hahah I lose my hubby on wed monday nights plus he cuts the surround sound on so all I hear is goobledeegoop
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