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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. um.. yeah... how creepy!!! is this a new way to become a hooker???
  2. :yahoo: My DVR has been set for awhile..can't wait
  3. I wished I could....I love me some tastefully simple stuff. I wish you the bestest of luck my sweet friend
  4. I wished I could come but I will be moving that day =(
  5. I didn't read all the post... I didn't wanna get caught up in all the bull crap I did wanna say that I have known the Forsh Family most my life... they are good people. Coach Forsh is one of the best teachers/people I have ever met. I wish Mrs. Forsh a speedy recovery. This family is a very active family in the Douglas County community... they mean a great deal to many people
  6. I got her the nook a few days ago... she was happy. I got the 3G nook for $149... which is a good good good price
  7. If you don't use all of them I don't mind taking some off your hand My friend makes a spicy chili Reanos, eats them raw, puts on pizza, puts in reg chili, sub sandwiches, hamburgers... and soooo sooo much more Can you tell I really like them.. haha
  8. no need to get defensive... we were asked why and our opinions... This game does not appeal to me... I was not rude about it and will never be rude about it. I don't think even when I am old I will play bingo.. hahaha as I said before I wish those that play the best of luck and have fun!!!! I also wish you luck too Pubster But if someone asks someone why or how come just let them speak without saying their wrong cause how can someones opinion(how the feel) be wrong .. BTW my hubby gave pcom a plug at the peachtree road race when some pcommers came by to say hello to him
  9. I do stop for gas at Kroger..swipe my card at the pump or either I get it in another county My DD is almost 16... she would want me tested for drugs if I asked her to play dog breed bingo with me.. haha that made me chuckle it is all good... As I said before sweetie I wish those who play the best of luck.
  10. bingo... I am not that old yet... and I haven't been to a convenient store in ages haha it is all good... I wish the people who are playing the best of luck
  11. that would be awesome if they did pizza delivery I usually tip $3 to $4
  12. I have thought the same thing... with the internet and everything at your finger tips it is hard for the papers to make ends meet
  13. 1.)I just found out about the pubby buck yesterday... been away from pcom for a few weeks. 2.)I have no clue where to get a new era, When I use to get it I would never read it because it was basically kinda boring and for the older crowd 3.) I would rather put 50 more cents with the cost of a paper and get a scratch off and find out right there if I am a winner Maybe Pubster needs to make some scratch offs ..haha jk
  14. I would pay off my brothers funeral ..it is expensive to die then pay off some other bills so I can save up some $$$ for my DD's college fund
  15. can it capture us women kicking your bootie too..
  16. my DD is in love with her books but we are moving and I can not get over the many boxes of books I am dealing with.. hahaha I could open my own bookstore. I think a few of them came from your store too. I am just trying to cut down on clutter.... clutter is on my nerves at the moment
  17. I did make a trip to Alabama... but to pick my daughter up from my parents house...she was homesick Not gonna throw my money away like that buying fireworks...enough idiots in my hood do that for us all.. I have one neighbor who lkes to go all out so we just step out on our back deck and let others pay for our entertainment..hahaha
  18. yeah the nook has 3g too... And it is free My DD just told me she thinks she wants the nook instead of the Kindle.. I said the kindle has cuter accessories
  19. I agree Ipad is awesome but it is also $500 and the nook is only $150 and I have a 15% off coupon
  20. My DD is getting an E-reader... should I get a nook or a Kindle?
  21. lol.. dudes is a generic term now...so I was told.... but they secret service from Tuesday that we met were all true dudes
  22. I haven't been true grocery shopping in a month... I have made small trips to the store but that is about it. We are moving at the end of the month and I am trying to use what I have in the pantry and freezer ...means less to stinkin move
  23. Pubby even though you say it isn't right try finding a highschooler these days to give you the real names of the countries... Not may could do it
  24. It's Friday Y'all have an awesome day!!!!! whatcha gonna do today? I am going to the movies and Kohl's today.. who wants to go with me to drag a bunch of teens to the twilight movie...any takers
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