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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I am actually about to leave to go get bread and milk ... need anything.. ha
  2. goober some people do not live that far from the school and or have to go right past it.. haha
  3. you can always wait and go pick them up in the office... I haven't heard anything about report cards this year yet but we always sent in the self address envelopes and had no problem getting them
  4. This is why I am not a big fan of shaking hands
  5. I love comcast!!! they are pricey but I have always had a good experience The door bell rang when I was on the phone with a rep and when she sent the tech out to fix my problem he brought my pooch his own remote.. a lil chewy toy comcast remote... it is tooo cute
  6. we all have our opinions ... some are louder than others( like Elizabeth) lol.. but I didn't agree with that either but she did "man" up and apologize I like whoopie and sherry the best out of the View ladies
  7. yeah... that was funny I would like to see what Sue looks like for real because they make her look butt ugly in the show..ha
  8. I love that show (show) Brick cracks me up with his whispering (whispering)
  9. OMG.. omg omg that is all I can say right now about that
  10. Then in that case I don't mind annoying you I love my mommy and my daddy and I hope my DD never stops calling us that either
  11. I am ok with that.. I haven't used a phone book in years!!!!
  12. meee tooo... everytime someone says it me and my hubby says .. My stapler then when my printer died my hubby and his friend went all office space on it heater
  13. My roof was only 6 years old.. if it wasn't for the hail I had many many many more years with it... not everyone is out tp screw people and companies over
  14. I had a leak, missing shingles and big dents... not to mention 3 broken windows and broken wood on the house and dents in the gutters... so I understand what you are saying and I agree.. I had pictures and everything to back my case up. Travelers just plan out sucks...
  15. CE I need to babysit your kids... I can teach them soooo much
  16. Tavelers is who I called every stinking day... they suck and I will be changing when it is time to renew... maybe I need to call my friend there and tell him bye so we can chat one last time
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