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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. she should have been coloring her hair ans washing it out while holding her head out the window and poring bottled water over it... her roots are BAD how on earth do you shave THAT dry without getting razor bumps.... lord Help!!! insane
  2. she made my heart happy today with her kindness that is all
  3. i think I would make him a fried chicken kinda thing if he crowed all stinkin night...lol good luck.. I hope you find him a home. I had a pet roster as a kid and he followed me around but hardly ever crowed..but he wasn't that purdy...lol I think the think had more lives than a cat cause he was always getting into something
  4. I posted this on another board and wanted to share with yall too because it is toooooo cute and to the point not to share Now I lay me down to sleep...one less terrorist this world does keep...with all my heart I give my thanks...to those in uniform regardless of rank...you serve our country and serve it well...with humble hearts your stories tell...so as I rest my weary eyes...while freedom rings our flag still flies...you give your all, do what you must...with God we live and God we trust....Amen ♥
  5. So not cool... I will never wish harm upon anyone This thread is not an Obama bashing thread it was just a ooops thread cause auto correct makes me say something different everyday
  6. http://dailycaller.com/2011/05/02/typo-msnbc-correspondent-accidentally-reports-on-twitter-that-obama-killed/ the news reporter accidentally reported Obama got shot instead of osama on twitter
  7. I am sure he is so excited about his business being all over pcom...that is what I really was trying to say guilty or not, not my call ...not gonna judge I was also just saying I thought the story was TACKY
  8. way to rub salt in his wounds by calling him out....I know that is public knowledge but wow...lol
  9. Those Floor it people are kinda awesome..congrats on the move
  10. i been working a lot... not much time for anything else. I miss hanging around. I need a job that allows me to play on the puter
  11. is it sad that I wanna know who the pcommer is in the busted paper rather than the one watching the stupid wedding...lol
  12. do they make a pay check to pay check class...lol
  13. Um, let's just say If I don't ever buy any shoes again I would be set for life... Lol I have many plastic tubs full
  14. Yep... I am on AT&T I can text but can't call out or get calls
  15. Thanks for the delivery of the pine straw today.... Y'all were like ninjas because I had no clue you guys had come yet... You even were so quite my dog didn't hear ya Thanks again y'all
  16. the DD already picked out her outfit!!!
  17. bbq chicken, baked beans and other stuff... it twas good
  18. i never hear them ...even when it is storming...
  19. at least you are nice to people who stalk you at gas stations
  20. nobody from my work is on my facebook...no one will ever be either if the ask for my password i will tell them we do not have internet at work nor does mt job require me to use social media so i will not be sharing that info
  21. Beyonce told me to put a ring on it
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