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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. My birthday was Sunday... I didn't get on then either
  2. The Boss wants me to get to post 10,000 and I will get one... so do I just start posting random stuff, numbers, abc's, I got this...I can do it weeeeeeee. wait I think I just got one... my mayberry count went up...woot
  3. I got sumfin better for christmas...I got New Kid On The Block tickets ... a week from now I am gonna be like :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  4. always a comedian ...hahaha yeah, well I am proving that was not me ...sucks to have your identity stolen... it has made us chuckle a bit too sadly, I haven't gotten one
  5. a mayberry that is is the popo still giving them out to us sweet citizens of mayberry
  6. Paulding Networking is hiring for a computer tech guy to fix computers www.pauldingnetworking.com
  7. PEople watching is the best... I tell my hubby that I am not judging them as a person, Just their outfit choices awesome... Glad to know I will be on someone's mind
  8. Wearing stinkin Pajamas out in public!!!! Stop being lazy and get dressed!!!! and the ugly crock shoes
  9. Sticky Fingers is a place you must eat!!!!!
  10. South GA has one of the Best BBQ restaurants Smokin Pig BBQ in Valdasta
  11. I have turned into a rocker at work... I rock to stay warmer It is kinda funny
  12. this post almost made me cry Awesome Birthday gift and I am soooo happy you got that time
  13. I know a few...maybe more who doesn't...lol Thanks sweetie
  14. I like to be ready to go and on my toes come time. So I am always a few minutes early to work. If I am running late and don't have that extra time I tend to have an off day . I do it for me not for the employer ( well I guess it is in the employers favor for me to be awesome) but I do not expect them to pay me for my time to prepare myself...If I did I would be asking them to pay me from the time I get up till the time I go to bed... heck I need sleep to function so why not just pay me for 24 hours every day ..lol
  15. really... Then I think you have to spit on my sometimes wait...That doesn't sound right but I am gonna keep it up anyway
  16. I know, I know I am getting forgetful in my old age btw, I will have that stuff to you next week
  17. All I heard was Blah Blah Blah lol poor poor Chad! Plus Chad is fussing about being cold in the winter... duh, your suppose to be cold..hahaha it took me about 2 seconds to figure out who you were
  18. I USE to work at the mall... Praise Jesus Naturegirl was looking out for me and let me know of an office job available and Now I work for West Metro Driving School and Paulding Networking They Loved me so much in my interview I was hired on the spot I am likeable most the time
  19. I have a sweater that I keep here along with a par of socks. I told them next week I was bringing the snuggie!!!!
  20. I am gonna wear my winter clothes to the office this summer...the guys are freezing me out!!!! I am usually hot nature but I be COLD!!!!
  21. OH MY WORD ...My family drove me nuts with that thing yesterday!!!!!
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/tv_nm/us_stern fill in the blank ... I feel it is only appropriate Mad Libs inventor dies of ______ while _______ his _____ in the ________.
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