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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. people who poke each other in public are kinda trashy...lol JUST KIDDING!!!! lol, made me laugh though
  2. yes, we moved back in August and had them send out replacements with our new addy. I still have the old one though I have been in touch with the police and they and surprisingly very easy to work with...
  3. My summer reading is consisting of ~work Contract ~DDS services ~Paulding.com ~dallashwy ~facebook ~text messages ~twitter and billboards yeah....exciting, I know
  4. I am like you... I don't want a reward for doing the right thing
  5. i voted not to speak because you didnt speak for 4 years ... that is all I got to say about that
  6. Mallrats, Chasing Amy, CLerks...so basically any Kevin Smith Movie The Firm One of my all time faves with Paul Walker is Timeline
  7. kissimee it is with Allstate and I do not have Allstate I called my insurance company and they are aware of the issue sooooo I am just providing what they ask for to prove my where abouts I got my Credit Report this morning and it looks fine... so that is a BIG PLUS it was a rental car and I am awaiting for the manager of the business to call me back with some info
  8. yeah..her too How is her Brothel doing anyway
  9. they do provide entertainment from time to time... I am just thankful they finally changed the battery in the bleeping beeping smoke detector that beeped forever they had to pull the teenager out off the ex boyfriends car not to long ago because he broke up with her and she went into attack mode. She found someone else shortly thereafter and instead of using the bathroom he just peed off the porch... haha they got an HOA letter about that. I haven't seen him watering the lawn lately
  10. i pulled up am accounts online and they are all fine. no out of the ordinary charges. I did request a credit report today too and now waiting on that
  11. not the police report... it was all the witlessness that :I: hit said I was... I am waiting for the popo to release the report ...so needless to say I have been on the phone for awhile trying to get this mess cleared up Lord only knows
  12. playing video games doesn't make you fat... My wii wore me slap out...lol maybe if I used it more I would lose more weight
  13. um, idk.... I am calling the lady who contacted me today and I will ask. why?
  14. Thanks.... it is weird.... just another thing to make my head hurt I can prove right away that I am not African American as it says I am on the police report...lol but I have to wait a few days to see the reprt... grrrr
  15. yeah that is extremely high ... We only pay $650 a year for our HOA and we have a water Park. I wouldn't like for our subdivision to sell memberships.... we always have people out in our pools and it can get crowded at times
  16. I hate to see kids upset over things out of their control hug her for all of us
  17. Apparently I was in a wreck near Disney world today. Now trying to prove I didn't leave Paulding County Georgia. Thank you for debit card receipts with time stamps. Lordie ....the oddest things happen to me My insurance has been notified and is helping me....told me not to worry about anything (but I will)
  18. i think spaghetti.. I made sauce last month and froze enough for a few meals
  19. there was an attack? Dang, I missed it!!! I am so confused!!!
  20. sorry I am in the Georgia
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