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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I made the cut.. haha
  2. i just went through the same thing. We moved last summer and our HOA forgot about us. I talked with a neighbor and she got me the info to the company that handles out HOA and they over nighted the stuff to me which hood are you in...if it is the same one I will pass along the info to you
  3. I am just happy I found a job that will allow me to come play back on Pcom and FB I have missed it dearly and need to get back into my grove of posting on here
  4. it is happening on west coast time...so we get 3 extra hours
  5. I do not believe in may 21 being the last day... but it is fun to make fun of the issue... well to me it is anyway...lol what song would be your theme song if it was true?
  6. Hockey is the only sports I truly love... this news makes me sad I tend to go to more Gladiators games than Thrashers though...but I love them both
  7. Isn't that the point of being a landlord ... You gotta charge more for rent than what you need for insurance and all the other bills that go a long with being a landlord. One thing in life is for sure.... Nothing stays the same
  8. prayers for the family...she is such a sweet person
  9. you mean write...right lol sorry I had too
  10. "f" you by this pastor... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAhvzkJms90&feature=player_embedded
  11. i dont care to know who that is...lol
  12. and idk why...I have always had a thing for John Cusack too... I love his movies
  13. Paul Walker is just ever so yummy
  14. then you should make your own video and share it with us
  15. they went to North Pauldings prom April 15
  16. It is a real bad(as in looking homemade) video but fun and I love it too...lol
  17. I am not one to just quit or give up but this stuff is harsh I threw in the towel on day 3 ..I think I even died for a few minutes congrats !!!! Keep it up!!!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_FN7pu-huU
  19. I soooo missed that he is on a roll today ... check out Jets comments in the shaving thread...CRACKING ME STINKIN UP
  20. I wonder if she nicked her self down there when she crashed...double ouchie!!!
  21. I can fry it up in a pan but it is getting harder and harder to bring it home instead of borrowing sugar from a neighbor maybe we can borrow bacon slices
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