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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. These threads crack me up... Nobody is a perfect driver... We all make mistakes I have a lil black car but I was at work so iy wasn't me
  2. i just went to the app store and didn't see anything...what did you find it under
  3. have you searched him out of facebook...lol
  4. at least he wrote in Pencil in case he changed his mind
  5. yeah!!! My friend calls those litter shrines ...lol she says they should be fined for littering and held to the same laws .. she says take it to the grave marker thingie
  6. heck I already tattooed your pic on my hubby's back so when I see him I see you That is how much I stinkin love you
  7. Pizza Hut Pizza and Godiva Chocolate covered strawberries
  8. i think bumper stickers are tacky... but that is my opinion I don't want a rolling memorial dedicated to me nor will I dedicate my car to anyone My memories are with in me not on my car Plus if I put a sticker on my car for everyone who has passed that means a lot to me I wouldn't be able to see out the window
  9. I agree that littering is so out of control and something needs to be done It amazes me to see a sock...what happens to the other sock...why didn't they throw them out as a pair? Why is there always a random shoe? who doesn't notice someone putting a mattress on the side of the rd drives me crazy
  10. wow is an understatement but yeah,,,WOW
  11. but yet you find time to pcom.. lol JK lol, I am in a smart alec mood today...
  12. i just saw this and made a FB status about it... because our HOA hasnt taken the one down in the hood yet I figured I had to give my status a rest
  13. yeah it was taken this weekend...Thanks She doesnt work for a company she does odd jobs like babysitting, dog sitting and elf to sanata she makes good money..
  14. I wished I knew about this earlier ..I just put dinner in the over... I LOOOVE y'alls food
  15. I love the Shamwow I didn't want to buy the Magic bullet cause I had stuff like that before but the Magic bullet is AMAZING ( I am talking about the cooking thing) I will always have a CHI flat iron and nothing else my waffle maker the double Decker dryer..love love love it but they don't make them anymore so if it ever dies I will cry
  16. When your not a bartender you hear it all too ... But from certain people it is mostly lies
  17. Yuck... I didn't like it... Lol I guess I will learn to getvuse to the one I got now
  18. I had a christmasntheme still... Haha . I logged out then logged back in and lost the Christmas and got somemfunky stuff... I have played with it and can't find one I like
  19. I am not reading this because I don't wanna know... Taco bell is amazing and I want to keep it amazing.... Lol
  20. somehow my settings got all messed up and I got view pcom the way I loved too.. lol What setting is your fave... Mods, How do I get it back? up until a minute ago I had the one with the lil black dot if you have posted in it and all
  21. i have been told I make amazing green beans
  22. I know she would...she misses yall heck I miss yall oncw you guys get moved we will have to get together
  23. he is an idiot instead of a snake
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