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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. check out the link where this pic came from... the backside of the doll made me :rofl: http://learning2share.blogspot.com/2010/02/some-facts-behind-you-can-shave-baby.html
  2. I wasn't trying not to make it less disturbing ... nobody could do that
  3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/27/anchor-cracks-up-fart-story_n_885084.html
  4. Plus it is kind of a play with me once and throw me away toy because the hair doesn't grow back after you shave it
  5. I see many reasons not to buy this toy To name a few ~It has hair in odd places ~it teaches kids to play with razors ~It has hair you can shave in the private area instead of clothes ~who has hairy shins? I don't want to hog all the WTH answers.... so add your own
  6. But then again think of the smile on his face when he comes to visit seeing all the cool stuff and giving him memories that he will tell his kids about talk to him... at 9 my kid had a pretty good grasp of things and was able to tell me how they felt. It would be hard to leave mine behind as well... Heck I am starting to panic cause my dd goes to college in 2 years
  7. sounds like a great deal!!!! I would jump at it too My Daughter would LOOOOVE to go for a year. This is something that you need to talk to the kid about and the dad. If it is only a year maybe he can stay with his dad and come over and visit What ever you decided I wish you the best. I am excited for you!!!!
  8. there are some in the back. instead of turning to go to my house stay on hannaover ...there are some cool ones. but after your done looking go to my house and pick Ashlyn up so she can take you swimming
  9. I live in South Paulding with a Villa Rica address. I go to Hiram Mostly
  10. it never rained... just the sky rumbled... I guess it's belly was hungry
  11. I hear it a rumbling now... grrr where do we live? Seattle? they say we are in a drought but every time I go out to check it is wet or raining
  12. i just got blue skies here close to the Avenue in East Paulding
  13. ummmmm omg..I just googled bagel head and got scared to death!!! why on earth would someone want to look like that.
  14. Me me me ... We know someone and we already have a date set up ...I am like :yahoo:
  15. I celebrated my Birthday at the Punch Line and LOOOVED IT
  16. hey y'all in case nobody has told you today I you
  17. Despicable me ... I LOOOOVED that movie. MY 16 year old liked it too.... it is good for young and old
  18. we are soooo gonna be hangin tough Wednesday night
  19. I rarely heard it from my dad but always from my mom. Now that my brother has passed my dad tells me every time he sees me or speaks to me My daughter hears it every day of her life.... a few times a day
  20. yep!!!! I am dealing with parents who want us to break and bend everything to accommodate their kids
  21. my child is 16 and will ALWAYS be fully clothed ... I buy her clothes and I have to approve. Even if she is buying them with her babysitting money I still have to approve And the comment about the moms wanting their daughters to be well like by boys is CRAZY!!! those parents are CRAZY!!!! My mom told me to have self respect and to leave something to the imagination and I had no trouble finding boys to like me...lol I caught nabbed married me a good one
  22. Sometimes it is fun to get shot... A few of the bullets made me giggle
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