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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. My friend Pam has 5 urchins, and they were all between 9 and 10 1/2 lbs. at birth...three boys, two girls.
  2. It's pretty well-known to folks near Sonny that he would like for Karen Handel to win. But I don't think he's endorsed anyone.
  3. Hey, dude - that is like, a great post! And not one mention of evil popo! Seriously...you are correct.
  4. OK, I stand corrected by the Acworth popo. Thanks to whoever did the leg work. I must say - if some yahoo tried that on me after I'd been through the hell of shopping at Walmart (which I do like the Acworth Walmart, but it just wears me out), he'd scurry off with a limp and a black eye. The least he could do is try something before I went to all that trouble in the store.
  5. I'm voting for Preston Smith. I know folks in Rome who know him and say he's a straight-up guy. Feelip - pretty funny. Yes, just how would that prayer go? "Dear nobody, ignore this because I am not speaking to you because you don't exist. Which means you can't ignore it, either, so I don't really know what the hell I'm doing up here anyway. Oh, wait - I don't believe in hell, either, since I don't believe in God. But whatever...I am so confused. Amen."
  6. I take everything to that shelter. They accept vouchers from the women's shelter, the pregnancy center, and all manner of places (the list is on their back door). I think they're open 10-6 (if you leave stuff on their loading dock out back after hours, it might not be there when they get there).
  7. Oh, good. A bigger role for the best federal agency ever!
  8. I'm not impressed with the Republicans in general this year. I agree there are one or two way back in the pack in the governor race, but it's wasting a vote to vote for them. Also, I'm not thrilled with Casey Cagle at all. But I got till November to mull on that one.
  9. I thought it was needles in movie theatre seats. And a guy died from eating pop rocks and drinking Coke??? OH, NO!!!
  10. Yeah, I gotta go with urban legend on this one. Not to diss the OP or say we shouldn't all be very careful, but this sounds a little too familiar to be true. I'll go with whatever somebody finds out from the Acworth popo, though.
  11. Yes, I think you've hit the nail on the head. The sister thing was so humongous and so traumatic, and it's very sweet that he wants to protect you from anything like approaching that grief again. Sounds like he's a keeper. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Classic!
  12. We got the better part of an inch here in NE Paulding. The Hobby Lobby in Cartersville's roof fell in and brought part of the back wall with it, and the pipe supplying the sprinkler system broke and flooded the store. MAJOR BUMMER!!! I love going to that Hobby Lobby because it's so convenient for me. Can you imagine the mess?
  13. I think if I watched Cops for a couple of hours, I'd be able to feel the brain cells dying. Ye gods! Those people are so incredibly stupid! But you're right - as I said in the other thread...I appreciate what they do more than I could ever say in mere words.
  14. As a conservative just a shade to the right of Antonin Scalia, I could not agree more! Hey, let them protest. Then, let the Patriot Guard and anybody else who wants in on the act take care of the protesters. And, like you, I'd call for a jury trial. Pretty soon, they'd get the message that it'd probably be in their best interests not to pull crap like this.
  15. Sorry - I should have mentioned I previously (several days ago) read a very detailed account of what happened, and even the Sheriff there said it was unconscionable (sp?). It was in the AJC if you want to look it up. And for the record, I love the popo, and think the vast VAST majority of them are great guys, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for putting their lives on the line every time they suit up for way too little money.
  16. 10-4. Will comment again after I've had time to watch it.
  17. I'll see if I can find it on Hulu or somewhere. Thanks.
  18. Ewww! I watched SG until the last season, but was too busy. Sounds like I might not have liked it. Why did she blow up the building?
  19. I've had both, but am currently with Verizon now for a good number of years, and I like them better. I'm just north of Crossroads, and I don't have any reception problems. I only have the basic plan (no big data things or anything), so can't speak to that.
  20. If the reports are true, yes, this was way over the top. (But no, I still don't think the vast majority of police are bad guys.)
  21. Oh, you are so correct about the other young man...I am praying for him and his family. Yeah, I love the warped sense of humor...right up my alley! I'm very, very happy that it wasn't worse than it was. Yes, significant injury, but in the big scheme of things, it'sgood when the person you love most isn't lying near death in some ICU somewhere.
  22. Well, now that everything's calmed down (praise the Lord), nosy nellie here wants to know what happened? My Daddy did the same thing, only with his index finger, several years ago. He was maneuvering a HUMONGOUS piece of wood into his wood splitter by himself and it fell on his hand. Same result...got one finger just below the nail and he also had to have surgery. But he was fine otherwise. Which we just shook our heads, because he was the veriest stickler for safety, but he's the one who sawed these nice little gill things into the palm of his hand with his chainsaw one time, and then sa
  23. Good heavens. Well, if they find themselves out of bidness one say soon, I sure won't wonder why. What are some people thinking?!?
  24. Sorry...no, I was responding to Lots to Do's post prior to mine (#12) that said he was uncomfortable with an evangelical as AG. I should have quoted his line in my response. As for Handel, IMHO, she's just the least of the 150 evils running in this race. I would prefer someone more truly dedicated to small government, but we have what we have. (The candidates who may be truly for small government have no chance statistically, and I prefer not to waste my vote.) Amen and amen, sister. I always vote person, not party. I mostly wind up voting Republican, but it's not because I'm so
  25. I'm sure you are right, but NO FAIR!!! What about Seven Hills? There's a Publix there now...would that not be good enough?
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