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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Amen, sir. I try to be careful when approached by people, and I have said no before, but if it looks real, I try to give them something. I figure if they're a scam artist, they'll have to tell God about it when they face Him, and that my heart is clean. Sometimes I wish I could be more like you cynical types, but it's a gene thing with me...I am stupidly gullible sometimes. I'm better in recent years, but only because I constantly work at it (in all areas of life). I do wish I would have seen the scene in the gas station...my eyes would have popped right out of my head, and then I would h
  2. WHAT a great idea!!! I am totally going to that web site momof3 mentioned. Wow! Thanks for inspiring me!
  3. ::tinyhijack:: I'm proud of you. ::hijackover::
  4. HAHAHAHAA Thanks for making me laugh! Makes it even funnier that your kid is a kindergartner. :D
  5. Truly, that is awesome! If I lived there and had kids, I would be ecstatic.
  6. Dude. That is so not cool. Wonder if he thinks it was a groovy thing to do now that he's banned forever? Moron.
  7. Ye gods - how awful for everybody involved! Why in God's name did they think it kosher to operate a ride like that with the possibility of human error affecting the ride??? I don't care WHO was operating it...the operator could have had a heart attack just as he was about to set the net back up or whatever. I hope they have reeeeeeeeeeeeeally good liability insurance, 'cause they're gonna need it. I pray this child makes a full recovery, and I pray the ride operator does as well. ::shakingmyhead::
  8. Good idea. I wasn't being snarky, btw...it's a legit question.
  9. My question is would he have gone for the DP on the Ledford case?
  10. Interesting, Mrs. G. Thank your husband for me...maybe that's right, esp. since it's still free.
  11. This chick needs to just hush. Just go to school or whatever it is she's doing, take care of her son, and stay out of the public eye for a good long while (five years would be a good start). Then maybe somebody might tend to take her a bit more seriously. Dorkette.
  12. My thoughts exactly. I think this will backfire on them. For now, it's free, though, and more info than they used to have (or that I ever saw, anyway).
  13. GAG A MAGGOT. (Literally.) I saw a video of this chick who had been to Costa Rica or somewhere and some sort of beetle buried itself into her head, and her boyfriend sort of dug it out and she could feel it wiggling as he was doing it. She was laughing about it (it showed it, but I couldn't watch that part), but I would have long since gone into a gross coma. GAH!!!!!!!
  14. I can't find the other thread where you were talking about looking for a job, but I read somewhere that Lockheed will be adding something like 400 jobs to their assembly line operations with some new project they have coming up. Don't know time frame, but thought I'd pass it along. I pray that you find just what you need just in time.
  15. I don't know of a divorce attorney, but I'm just so sorry. But one thought - is there a possibility that he is ill? Not saying he is by a long shot, but it just occurred to me. Either which way, if he persists in this way of thinking, he's in for a rude awakening. This isn't 1840.
  16. Dang...I forgot about it last night! I'll have to tune in tonight. I love me some sharks! I liked the Dirty Jobs about the guy in the Bahamas who makes the chain mail shark suits. Wild.
  17. mei lan


    I'll second that. I take everything there, because they take vouchers from like a dozen charities (Shepherd's Rest, Paulding Pregnancy Center...gosh...it's a huge list and I'm just not remembering the names. Anyhoo, I love taking stuff to them for that reason. In Dallas in the shopping center with the bowling lanes, if I'm not mistaken...at the corner of Bus. 6/Macland/Butler Industrial Blvd.
  18. You can get their recipe online. It's not the same as going there, but when I found out they closed, I Bing'd it and found the recipe (I like the 4-toppings spaghetti). Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..
  19. I think RCs are still around, and I know Moon Pies are still sold. I had one a few eight awhile back. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  20. No offense, but I wish this was the only question I had to worry about. A cell phone? Really?
  21. WHOA, wait just a minute, missy!!! What's this about the parting of the hair? I haven't heard that discussed anywhere, and I need to know! It will really affect my decision in this race! Because if it's down the middle, I'll have to re-think my decision. :D
  22. If you're on Broad Street, try the Partridge Cafe...home-cookin' so good it'll make you slap your maw down. Of course, they have the usual stuff like Outback, Red Lobster, they're getting a Steak'n'Shake, they have Olive Garden, Fuddruckers, etc. I haven't eaten at Schroeder's in forever, but I wasn't all that impressed when I did. Golden China on Shorter Avenue is really good Chinese. I don't eat at any of the other Chinese places in Rome. Harvest Moon Cafe, also on Broad, is very good as well. Speaking of home cooking, if you ever find yourself in Adairsville, stop in at the Adairsv
  23. MEAGER, meager, meager. sigh
  24. Agreed...I don't hold it against him for that reason as well. He says he's a changed man, and I take him at his word. (That's not the reason I'm voting for him over Braddock, btw.) Anyhoo, re: the little girl - I guess I'd go ahead and sit down with her and tell her in as non-detailed a way as possible what happened, and tell her that I'm telling her because she may hear things from other people and I want her to know the truth. Kids can be SOOOO cruel. I think I'd tell her, and make sure me and the ex were on the same page.
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