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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm tempted to say, "So?" If they'd been in warmer waters as they had been advised to be, having been warned of ice in the area, it wouldn't have made a difference. Or if they hadn't been steaming at full speed. Or whatever. A ship like that doesn't turn on a dime, so it seems even if he "panicked" and steered incorrectly, he could have corrected himself. But at this point, who really cares. It was the arrogance of the owner and designer that doomed that ship, along with a HOST of bad decisions/comical-if-it-weren't-so-tragic errors. Edited to correct stupid spelling error. Damn key
  2. How is Chrome a replacement for Firefox? They are produced by two different entities. Or did you mean replacement for you? I only use Firefox...I don't like Google's intrusiveness into my PC (which could be only my perception, but anyhoo), and I also don't like that they help/helped the ChiComs, although they now have some dispute with them, I believe. Don't like Microsoft much better, but I do like Bing.
  3. I watched it. It was ok. I like Michael Imperioli, and love crime shows, so I'll give it another shot. (Besides, I want to see if the dude dies. My guess is no.)
  4. mei lan


    DUDES!!! I AM SO PROUD OF Y'ALL!!! Dang, you all are really and truly impressive. WAY TO GO!!!
  5. So there are rules to campaigns, and people need to follow them. I'd be saying the same thing about any candidate. It's either intentional wrongdoing or stupidity, and neither is good.
  6. Here's my thinking - a) How do we know that any of this money will actually go to trauma centers? 2) The state super-speeder ticket money is supposed to fund trauma centers is my understanding. c) Taxes/fees never go away. Example: Ga. 400 toll was supposed to disappear when the road was paid for. It's already paid for (prepayment is not permitted but the money is in the bank), but the toll is still there, and I'm guessing it will remain. Commentary from Wikipedia (I know, I know...but this is just a quickie example): In March 2009, local TV news reports brought up an issue regarding
  7. Oh, HUBBA, HUBBA!!! Thanks for remind me! ::swoon::
  8. This dude is so seriously whack. I truly hope the crown passes from Elizabeth to William.
  9. So why don't the videos tell what Amendment 2 is actually about? I had to look it up...it's a $10 fee on car tags to fund trauma centers around the state. I am well aware of the trauma center shortage, but I don't think this is the way to do it. I'll be voting no. (I think they don't tell what Amendment 2 is because they know how anti-tax folks are these days.)
  10. I think he'd have a better chance with a "too little caffeine" defense. My mother often says that her morning coffee is what keeps her from committing murder.
  11. Conway's real name was Harold something...I'll look it up. LOVE LOVE LOVE me some George Jones!!! Edit: Real name was Harold Jenkins.
  12. Can't speak to the netbook thingy, but here's what I wrote in a Kindle thread back in August (do a search and you can view the whole thread): My mom has a Kindle, and we love it! Cons: You're not holding a real book. I'm such a purist that I just prefer real books. I remember going to the library when I was a kid (and the bookmobile coming by as well - we lived out in the country) and just absorbing the smells in the stacks and the delight of finding new books, and rediscovering old favorites. Pros: a) It will hold hundreds of books. 2) Amazon has thousands of free books availa
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Hilarious. hahahahahahahaa
  14. :rofl: Edited to add that I totally agree with C. Mark about getting a survey if you don't have one. TOOOOOOOOOOO much doubt and possibilities of things to go wrong without it.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA You gon' get in trouble with the nutrition police if you keep that up! hahahahaa We have a pesky obese wasp, too. We can kill it, but another takes its place immediately.
  16. I had a Camry for awhile, and LOVED IT. (Only sold it because I needed the money for a startup bidness.) 4 cyl. but with plenty of pick-up, which is a biggie to me. Worst thing about it was temperature control...very uneven and I had to keep fiddling with it. Otherwise, a GREAT CAR. My brother has an Acura TL and he loves it. It's his third Acura, and the dealership treats him like a king. His brakes went out about 15,000 past warranty and they replaced them for free because they said they shouldn't have gone out. His wife drives the big Lexus SUV and she loves it. Ditto the dealer
  17. Yeah, you make an excellent point here. (And what is up with all this common sense??? Stop already! )
  18. Well said, BH87. It truly is no different than taking meds for HBP. I think in previous years, it's been a stigma in the middle class, and esp. with men. (The upper class counts seeing a therapist/being on medication as a status thing almost.) But when I had a panic attack and thought I was dying (I very nearly took my dr. by the lapels of his coat and shook him to make him understand that I was DYING THAT VERY MINUTE and was not having a panic attack!!!...bless his heart)...anyhoo, when all that arose several years ago, he said several of his panic/anxiety patients are men and that for wh
  19. GAH!!! And OWWWWWWWW!!! I have a strange tooth placement as well, but it was just awkwardly sideways and way off center...and yes, it has moved back because I didn't wear my retainer long enough. I think you're the only person whose name I know. But I'm not an old-timer, either. ETA: I tell a lie - I know DGITW's name as well.
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