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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. This is one of THE biggest things I've had to learn in my struggle with depression and anxiety over the years. And it is MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR. When I am able to look at how much worse other people have it, I am SOOOO much better able to thank God for my blessings (and they are always there). For instance: if you don't have much, think of the folks in war-torn areas who have NOTHING. Like the people in Yugoslavia/Bosnia/Serbia a number of years ago who were living in (supposedly) civilized areas, and then not only were they dealing with fighting right at their doorstep )LITERALLY, on their
  2. You make an EXCELLENT point. EXCELLENT, I say. I personally would do the very same thing, only I'd probably call DFCS sooner than a few days. I would also make sure I had everything available to care for the child so I could show them, and then offer to keep the kid on the spot and hope they said yes. Both my siblings are adopted, and the thought of a child being in the system for even a day just makes me feel ill. Another reason why I really like you, btw. (Obviously, I am still in that annoyingly gushy mood from yesterday. )
  3. Agreed (even if that silly pic of Randy Quaid does make me cringe...heh). Bless your heart...this is a tough situation to be in. I'd do what the SO said, though, and call DFCS in a little while if the parents don't show. This is so sad. BTW - if they do show up, I'd take a STRIP off their hides for behaving thusly. I'd let them know I called the SO, too. There is NO excuse, unless they are both in the hospital in a coma.
  4. Amazon, hands down. I even purchased pool chemicals from them recently. I have purchased scads of things from them over the years, and have never ever had a problem with them. Ebay - very good experiences...but I only buy from reputable sellers, and alway pay via PayPal. Kohn's - first time buying this year, and they were very smooth and easy. LL Bean - ditto Amazon...always a good experience. Overstock - have ordered from them a few times, and didn't have a problem. newegg - big ticket item (monitor) was good; small ticket item (video game) not good. They shipped the ga
  5. Amen, sister. I will be praying as well.
  6. Serious bidness!!! When I said I'd call FD only if the car was on FIRE with somebody in it who couldn't get out, I was thinking, and by the time they get there, the window WILL be smashed in and the person extracted by moi. It would appear that common sense isn't all that common anymore. :sigh:
  7. I'm doing well this year, but I have BEEN THERE in the depths of depression (we're talking PIT OF DESPAIR here), and it is not a good place to be. The holidays are hard on some folks for various reasons as well. Just keep telling yourself that it's gonna be ok. Because it is...at some point, somehow, it will be ok. (CE, that totally made me laugh.)
  8. Awesome - I was just about to order two for my nephew! Thanks!!!
  9. Well, I'm thrilled they were caught, but that just hacks me right off. DANG. And they have kids. Don't you know they're gonna have a great Christmas.
  10. Yeah, I'd call SO non-emergency line and ask what to do. DANG...without even a car seat, you really are in a pickle. (I cannot imagine dropping a kid with a neighbor and not even checking in by phone unless I were on fire.)
  11. I would have done the same thing if I couldn't think of someone with a gun I could call. That's a legit call, IMHO.
  12. I am appalled at what this says about the mindset and culture of our society today.
  13. Well, ok...I figured that might be the case. It is just so darn cute and retro. Guess I'd best get over there and take me some good photos afore it's gone. (You had me at MOLD...GAH!!!) Really? That is interesting. Is the false alarm triggered by the system itself saying it's a medical emergency (i.e., a malfunction), or is it the homeowner pressing the keys to signify a medical emergency?
  14. RE: calls to pick someone off the floor - when my father was terminally ill, I learned this is a legit situation. Several times he fell and couldn't get up and couldn't/wouldn't help my mom get him up (dementia). Either I or a neighbor helped her out every time except one - it was middle of the night, and he was so frail and sick, and I was out of town. She called the non-emergency line (and was so apologetic, even though his dr. and the ambulance people said to call them in such a situation); they came and put him back in the bed. They charged my parents' insurance, and everybody was hap
  15. OH. MAH. GOSH. SAY WHAT??!?!?!? I cannot recall ever locking my keys in my car, but unless my car were on FIRE with someone locked in it who could not get out, it would not cross my MIND to call the FD or PD to get my car unlocked. HELLO. First, I'd call my mom to bring my extra key. Failing that, I'd call a LOCKSMITH. DUH. Geez Louise...whatever happened to personal responsibility??? O/T, but Mr. Dis, I believe you work for Cobb FD? I just have to say that I ADORE that little old station over on Mars Hill at Red Rock. Please tell me they won't be tearing it down ever. I'm sure
  16. Very well said, missy! (Also, if that's you in your avatar, you are very photogenic. Said in a platonic, non-stalker sort of way. )
  17. Are y'all...uh...still married? I'm not a high-maintenance gimme sort of gal, but I do believe a shower curtain might have brought forth a word or two from me.
  18. I do like the breathing aspect of yoga, as well as the stretching and toning aspects.
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