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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. First of all, congratulations to your husband! Second, the Cobb library system has materials for folks to study for their citizenship exam. But I'm guessing the librarians also could give further advice on what to read.
  2. My mother makes the best fried pies EVER IN THE UNIVERSE and she uses canned biscuits for her dough. Serious bidness.
  3. Yeah, I saw/heard it here, too (NE Paulding). Thundersnow! Wild. I have only ever heard it twice...the other night, and in the blizzard of '93.
  4. I might be tellin' him if he wants me there at 9 he can come get me. But that's just my smart arse.
  5. Well, dammit, why didn't you think of that BEFORE this thing hit? A bullet for you!
  6. I have hated snow ever since the stupid blizzard of '93 when I was stuck in Rome for eight days without power and 18-23" of snow on the ground. GAH!!!
  7. I'm with you, brother. Free speech, public areas, blah blah blah. But hey - that same free speech protects counter-protesters who can (and should, IMHO) block their stupidity from view by the family of the dead person. I have read that this is how they keep going...a number of them are lawyers, and they sue other people who try to block them. A disabled vet in KS was in jail a bunch of days before he finally bonded out before Christmas because they had him arrested for picketing them. (Don't remember all the details; you can look it up.) Anyhoo, they're slick. And sick.
  8. No advice on which roads to take, but I'll send my prayers with you!
  9. Lowrider, those pics off your deck are simply LOVELY.
  10. Unless I KNEW for sure, I definitely wouldn't say anything. And even then, as WFAL said, unless either of them were my best friend, I still probably wouldn't say anything.
  11. Say what? The USPS hasn't been privatized.
  12. I heard from a neighbor that the Crossroads area (92/41) is passable, FWIW.
  13. Stop your snickerin', MinneSOHta, afore I give you a bullet.
  14. My helpful tip is to have a neighbor with a Bobcat and who also loves me. But, barring that, the leaf blower thing is a great tip.
  15. I'm so taking you up on this! :happydance:
  16. Oh, my bad!!! Two mayberries to RM to make up for my oversight!
  17. You ain't from around here, are ye? Dude! I would love to come see that rascal when the snow goes away! He sounds like a big 'un!
  18. CAT FIGHT!!! I love it! Mayberries to SOLO and KRM!
  19. Ooh, ooh - where in NYC? One of my favorite places to visit in the whole world!
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