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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I can't walk in the cold lest I have an asthma episode for sure. But I can (and do) exercise in my basement.
  2. Texas pays wrongly convicted prisoners better than many states: Exonerees will get $80,000 for each year they spent behind bars. The compensation also includes lifetime annuity payments that for most of the wrongly convicted are worth between $40,000 and $50,000 a year — making it by far the nation's most generous package. Here is linky: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32692576/ns/us_news-life/ IRS ruled that such compensation payments are not taxable income. They also get job training, tuition credits, and medical/dental care. As a taxpayer, I would not complain about this - I'm su
  3. Aw, dammit - stop with the logic, already! A bullet for you. ()
  4. Call and complain if you want...it's a free country. I personally would just be thrilled to have something so trivial to worry about today.
  5. How does she prove it didn't? OP, I think I'd go into hiding if I were you. And NEVER EVER sell anything in a yard sale!!!
  6. Cedarcrest PC had a very nice-looking wing-back chair, and IIRC it had an ottoman. That was some days back, though, so he may have gotten rid of it by now. We do loves our readin' cheers. One of my favorites is an oversize one and my cat comes to lie down beside me when I sit and read. Then she gets all cranky when I get absorbed in my book and forget to pet her.
  7. What Elwood said, 'cept he left out that the home builder would also be liable. People can (and often do, I'm sorry to say) sue for anything.
  8. Excellent! We love happy news! I'm getting over a horrid cold (the second in three weeks), but hey - we're not at Shepherd or St. Jude's, so I reckon we are totally blessed.
  9. Lazyboy has some great new designs. They also have a store on Barrett Parkway, and if you're close to Bartow, there's Nelson's Furniture in Cartersville.
  10. DirecTV here for 8 years and LOVE IT. RARELY goes out (less than my cable ever did); I hear that satellite stuff that goes out frequently may have to do with a faulty install. At any rate, we are so pleased.
  11. Hmmm...well, if she's insistent she doesn't want a party, I personally wouldn't push it. What about dinner at a very nice restaurant instead? Her, her bf, you, your husband, maybe? YOu said she said no to date night, but that's all I could come up with. Otherwise, I might work on picking her brain to see if something's bothering her or what she's really thinking. Not that something has to be bothering someone who doesn't want a party (I don't like parties for me, either), but she is 16, after all, and teenagers have been known to be a little weird. (I love teenagers, btw...they're my
  12. I don't really know what this is about (why was original post edited?), but I guess I agree. I think. I have no use for Vegas, myself...neon tackiness.
  13. Indeed. I find that God has a marvelous imagination. I truly cannot understand how a person can observe nature and not believe in Him. (This is not a sermon...just a personal observation.)
  14. Well, I've said before here that I am the veriest commoner when it comes to food, and this is one example. I like my steak medium well. I do not want it mooing at me, and I do not want to see its blood. And yes, I also like Heinz 57 with it. Before you start hollering, I grew up on a farm, and we raised our own beef and had it cut and packaged to our specifications by a packer we trusted. (We were organic before organic was cool.) I was probably 25 before I ever had a steak in a restaurant, and when I did, I'm thinkin'...huh? They pay good money for this? THERE IS NO COMPARISON.
  15. I LOVE Deadliest Catch. I want to go out with them for a couple of days. In my mind, anyway.
  16. Bet there's no delay if you have to pay them, though.
  17. WHAT SHE SAID. Save your money, honey, and pony up for a good cruise line. One of the worst experiences of my LIFE was on a cheapo Carnival cruise (it was for my job...thank goodness I didn't have to pay for it). We were VERY pleased with Princess (mid-range) and I have heard really good things about NCL and RCL as well. FYI - Alaska is da BOMB. Just ask the travel agent about how to dress, and BOOK AN OUTSIDE CABIN. You do not want to miss that scenery.
  18. Yet another law of unintended consequences thing. Yes, they were gonna use the super-speeder ticket fines to build trauma centers all over the state. Only people stopped speeding. Then they were gonna raise money by raising fees on prestige tags without grandfathering anybody in. So most aren't renewing. Morons. Why not cut spending where it COUNTS instead of nickle-and-diming everybody to death on stuff that doesn't even work?
  19. Good point...I did know this but had forgotten.
  20. Good...as long as they don't use embryonic stem cells, I'm all fer it. And the very BEST results in the past couple of years have come from adult stem cells, not embryonic ones anyway. Awesomeness. IIRC, that's how the AIDS patient was cured...adult stem cells of a person with a known resistance to the virus.
  21. My name would be legendary far and wide for decades if folks ever messed with my disabled kid. The school system and the parents of the bullies would be begging me not to show up again with my lawyers, protesting parents, etc. I would make their lives miserable.
  22. I KNOW!!! What is UP with that? Kroger has great prices, but DANG...the stores older than five or so years look seedy at best and gangsta-rappah hangouts at worst (Delk Road Kroger). The Crossroads store seems to be designed differently than the older ones, so perhaps they are getting a clue. One reason people like shopping at Publix is that it's always CLEAN, the aisles are wide enough, it's brightly lighted, and the people are friendly. It ain't rocket science, folks!
  23. I am still just so sick over this. I can't be there to show my respect because I'm still in TN, but I can support them with my prayers. Geez Louise...I just hate this so badly for them. Just...damn.
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