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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, BTW - I rescind the bullet. I'd hate for you to have your spotless record spoiled.
  2. Seriously? The folks in Braswell get nothing for their tax dollars? I know nothing about any of this; I drove over there once just to see what was there, but that's it.
  3. Somebody in Mexico is now headless because of this mistake.
  4. I must admit that I did know where Estonia is, and that they were switching to Euros. And yes, they did join the EU. I am such a geek.
  5. Fellow nerd here. My goal for this year is 100 books...I'll have to go check, but I think I've read about 8 so far. Next up on my list is a bio of Erwin Rommel (fascinating man...my next-door neighbor's grandson is a military history nut - he's a Capt. in the Army - and Rommel is one of his favorites). I was a bit ambitious at the liberry the other day and picked up Natan Sharansky's memoir of his time in prison in the Soviet Union as well. That one will prolly take a few days. Got one of Dave Barry's incredibly hilarious fiction works up soon as well. My true love is non-fiction, b
  6. RIGHT - I forgot all about those on your list...good places, all. I said what I did about Jamaica, because I spent 10 days there once on a mission trip. We stayed inland in a LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY spot and worked with some of the church folks there. But unemployment is RAMPANT, drugs are RAMPANT, and esp. in the city areas, crime is RAMPANT. We also spent some time in Montego Bay and Kingston...Kingston ESP. is completely scary. I also was not impressed with the water, esp. considering I've seen so much better elsewhere in the Caribbean. Just my perspective.
  7. OH GOODIE OH GOODIE OH GOODIE!!! I prayed you would have a great trip, and that everything would go well. Congratulations to this FINE and HONORABLE young man!!! Pics?
  8. GAH!!!!!!! Bless your heart!!! Oh, man, that just made me get tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Oh, and OP - I'm glad your experience has been good, and I hope your mom feels better soon. (And I love that saying, "sinking spell". Classic.)
  9. You got 'em, sister. I know from hard times, and prayer will make a difference.
  10. I can barely tolerate Neal B., but I ADORE Royal. Man, I hated to read this. What a great guy. And for his wife and daughters, what a blessing to have people from all over broken up over this and to confirm that he was a great guy. I pray the Lord's comfort for them.
  11. OH MY LORD - ALL THIS SUGARY SWEETNESS IS MAKING ME GAG!!! I hereby give a bullet for Lady Raider 'cause I hate to gag! (Of course, I really think she's the bee's knees , but sometimes I hafta be a rebel. )
  12. For a tropical trip, my picks would be: Bahamas only if you do as jazzygirl says and go the less traveled route (which you may not want to do for a honeymoon) Turks & Caicos (same loveliness, friendly to Americans) Puerto Rico (lovely and hey, no passport!) Dominican Republic US Virgin Islands Florida Keys STAY AWAY FROM (IMHO): Jamaica (hellhole of the Caribbean) Aruba (if you don't like the desert) Mexico (if you value your life - yes, yes, I know many will disagree with me, but that's my thinking)
  13. Yeah, I'd be all over that one. NOT!!!
  14. Well, crap...I can't beat Blondie.
  15. DUDE. That's just about enough to make me forsake my Mustang. Almost.
  16. :wub: My suggested name: Billy Earl.
  17. Oh, dude!!! Lovely car, and I grew up in a Ford family! My dream car is a 64 1/2 fire engine red convertible Mustang. :bigsigh:
  18. My brother has lost three computers in as many years. WORK computers (he's self-employed). My nephew isn't allowed on his computer, but they're on a network, and nephew is forever visiting video game sites, etc. I've told 'em twice, but if they wanna keep buying new computers, that's no never mind to me.
  19. Awwwww! I hope you're week/weekend is much better. God bless those nice dudes!
  20. Wow. Believe me when I say that I know grief all too well. But I've never known this type of grief, and I truly believe it's the greatest grief a person can know on this earth. You have my sincere sympathy. And please don't let anyone tell you that you've been grieving too long or whatever. Every person grieves differently, and some things you never "get over". I pray God's mercy and comfort for you.
  21. WHAT?!?!? A responsible parent??? What are you thinking??? Why, I never. I oughtta give you a bullet for being so responsible.
  22. HAHAHAHA I love y'all! I swear, with my personality, I would have made an awesome yankee.
  23. Sounds like somebody could use a course on manners, and it's not you. Geez Louise...how come people can't behave like civilized human beans anymore?
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