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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I love you. Have I said that lately? 'Cause I do.
  2. Oh, yes. Yeah, I'm still mad about that one, too. "Oh, you HAVE to pass SPLOST, or we'll have to raise taxes!!!" The NEXT DAY (I think it was) it's all, "Oopsie, we figgered wrong, and now we have to raise taxes anyway." They think we don't remember things. But we do.
  3. Heh. I don't know why somebody done gave you a minus...I gave you a plus to counter-act it. Bless your heart.
  4. They raised it this summer? How did I miss this? Could have happened when I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago...
  5. I was simply inferring/interpreting from their reasoning.
  6. mei lan


    Sorry...misread your post. Not sure I agree, but I do see what you are saying. Of course, with this government, I'd darn near believe anything, so you may be correct. I see Monkeytail lurking down there...YOU CANNOT POST!!! I CANNOT BE EXPOSED TO THAT HIDEOUS AVATAR AGAIN!!! PS - And you're Blondie's sister, huh? I might like you, then.
  7. mei lan


    Yes, but the difference here is that the GOVERNMENT isn't saying you have a limit on what you can buy...KROGER is saying you have a limit on what you can buy. Publix might not say that. And thereby sell more of whatever. Also - the government controls how much gas we buy and how much electricity we use? I do agree that government is WAY YONDER too intrusive in our lives, but they're not controlling how much gas and electricity I buy/use.
  8. So...let me get this straight. If what you say is true, Pubby, basically Mr. Austin and the BoC believe Judge Beavers to be an emotional sap who doesn't understand the law? Alrighty, then. That should serve them well going forward.
  9. Anybody got an update on the BoC mtg? I've been SLAMMED at work for the past good while, so I couldn't go. Not that I expect anything to happen, but I was just wondering.
  10. mei lan


    I'm not a smoker, so I have no dog in this fight, but they can draw the line anywhere they want. They could say only one gallon of milk per family per week if they wanted. It's called Free Enterprise. And if customers don't like it, they can go somewhere else. And a smart competitor would make it worth their while to buy from them. Now, if the government tried to say you can't buy whatever only so many times per week/whatever, I would have an issue. (See: NYC's ban on smoking, trans fats, etc.)
  11. HOLY CRAP. That right there is gonna give me nightmares.
  12. Good gravy. Well, they really helped their case of the baby daddy seein' the kid, now didn't they? WHAT MAROONS.
  13. If I were the pet owner, I do believe I could make somebody at AC see light enough to delete that ticket.
  14. Primary 'em out. That's what happened to Shearin.
  15. YES!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!
  16. Don't know, but we can vote them out every four years.
  17. So you could pretend to be giving the "little people" a big ol' tax break and gain great political capital from it. Trust me, hon - they don't want SS to go away...that's their biggest voting bloc.
  18. OK, so we can stop the yammering on settlement offers, here is what surepip posted in the topic below titled "The BOC Have Appealed The Rulings": March 22, 2011 we met with Tommie Graham and Todd Pownall and the attorney's to discuss a settlement. We asked for our attorney's fees and half of what they had paid to Holland & Knight. 6 weeks later they offered us half our attorney's fees and to give us back the 10' of property out front they had allowed Contour to take. We refused. I'm pretty sure he has stated elsewhere, but that is the latest.
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