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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan


    That's more like it. Hrmph. (You know I love you. Ain't just anybody I trust to be my #2. )
  2. OHHHHHHH. hahahaahahaa I was wondering.
  3. mei lan


    Oh, put on yer big girl panties and deal. Or I'll demote you from being my #2.
  4. Oh, the Indians would be the least of our worries sneaking in across the southern border. Try Hezbollah, et al. Yes, they are in cahoots with some of our ne'er-do-well neighbors to the south (Castro, Chavez, et al) and many security experts think they will try to sneak a dirty bomb across the border to Phoenix or somewhere in the near future.
  5. Contraction of "Brother"...from the Joel Chandler Harris (Ga. author) books about Uncle Remus, et al. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%27er_Rabbit
  6. mei lan


    I think the OP has valid points, as do other commenters. (Hey, I'm just on everybody's side, aren't I? ) But I think the root issue is that our culture - even here in the polite South - is becoming more rude and crude by the year. I'm not talking about honesty here, calling a spade a spade, or whatever. I'm talking about being mean for meanness' sake. Civilized behavior is becoming more and more scarce, it seems. Everything from table manners to anonymous-ish comments on a message board to behavior in the drive-thru at a fast-food joint (I saw two drivers almost come to blows and nearly
  7. I meant to add that I know this is a major reason why the average Jose' wouldn't fight back against what's going on as the average Joe would. Not saying one's better than the other...just that they are in such an old-world system that it's just the way they think.
  8. 10-4. I will copy you (surepip) on my letter to Mssrs. Austin and Barnett...it'll be tonight or tomorrow night before I can get it done. I don't like negative campaigning and I generally don't say bad things about a candidate if I can help it. But I feel so strongly about this issue - your constitutional rights have not only been violated, but run over by a Mack truck by our elected officials, and THAT IS NOT RIGHT. If things aren't settled in a soonish manner (AS IN, LET IT GO TO A JURY TRIAL ALREADY), I can see me waging an active campaign against some incumbents. I really don't thin
  9. AGREED. The so-called War on Drugs has been a massive and miserable failure. Legalize (or at least de-criminalize, which I don't even know the difference, but I'm sure some lawyer somewhere does) marijuana, ESP. Dang. I read just today that Mexican cartels are being careful to keep most of their violence on the Mexican side of the border to avoid drawing the ire of the administration, seeing as how things are mostly going their way vis a vis our gubment at the moment anyway. And FTR, that was not a slap at Obama, although I am no fan. The same thing was true under George W. Bush, and
  10. Well, if they hadn't broken the LAW (as ruled by Judge Beavers), they wouldn't have to be paying it out. I ain't happy about it, either, but they need to get with the program and get this mess cleared up post haste.
  11. Maybe the BOC was watching SpongeBob when they read that and thought it was Opposite Day.
  12. Very true, which is why I don't usually wade into these things. I will say, though, GB, you seem a pretty fair-minded opponent.
  13. Pipster, any word yet? I got back in last night and am ready to do some blistering letter-writing. Not that it will do any good, but they will know that at least a FEW of us are out here and care about their stupidity. I except Mr. Barnett (my commish) and Mr. Pownall from much of the stupidity because they're new and even if they wanted to settle, they are not enough by themselves. BUT this situation has gone on LONG PAST enough, and it's time to get this thing before a jury. As always, FTR, I neither know nor care whether surepip is right in his case. (I'm guessing he is, but I have
  14. I believe that is a neggie - I have read (I'll have to look it up...probably from Stratfor) that there are five or six major cartels in Mexico, with each having a certain territory. And some new one (whose name also escapes me) in the area south of Brownsville was started by some Mexican special ops guys and is taking territory from a couple of other cartels and is especially brutal. I think they are the ones responsible for those mass graves 50-75 miles south of Brownsville/Matamoros a year or so ago.
  15. OK, I'm generally not interested in getting into this argument which never seems to go anywhere, but I will say this - I'm awfully sorry for them and all, but WE DID NOT TAKE THEM TO RAISE. We are not responsible for the welfare Mexico or its citizens. If they want a better life, then a) if they want to come here, let them stand in line like all the LEGAL immigrants do (who I am happy to have, for the record), and 2) if they want to stay at home, let them stand up and take back their country from all the corruption and evil that is about to cause their country to collapse. Do not tell me it
  16. They really are notorious about crap like that. One of the major reasons I was sorry to see BellSouth get absorbed by them.
  17. Some law experts think it could be a very bad law, in that the original version specified within an hour of death, etc., leaving WAY too many loopholes. For instance, what if a kid died and you didn't realize it within an hour? IDK. I'm only repeating what I've heard.
  18. You can keep your DSL with them and change phone companies...if you wish, that is. It's called nekkid DSL. Less ways to goof up your bill, anyway.
  19. That would be SAWEET!!! I'm on vacation this week, but when I get back home if you still don't have a check, I'm going to start calling Mr. Barnett and Mr. Austin. I'm sure they won't tell me anything because of "pending litigation", but I don't care...I don't want to hear anything they have to say. I just want them to know that we know what is going on and we are NOT happy about it. I've told them before, but I intend to keep telling them until this joke of a mess is gone to trial.
  20. I'll take whatever nobody else has claimed. Meet me at the SC line for the dropoff. Make it mid-day, since that's my least favorite time at the beach, esp. with this smoke we're having down here.
  21. Well, I'm over at Hilton Head and ever since we got here Saturday afternoon, not only is it hot as frickin' hades with 184% humidity (and I never exaggerate), there's a constant smoky haze in the air, which really is smoke drifting up from some wildfires in northern Florida. Of course, it is still the beach, so there is that. But it's HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. :sweatingprofusely:
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