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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. AGREED that we MUST involve the police at every turn. Gwinnett Co. thought they could ignore their problem years ago and it would just go away. Guess what - THAT DIDN'T WORK, and now look where they are. (Last estimate I saw in the AJC a year or so ago was 400+ gangs just in Gwinnett.) Gator, where bouts do you live, if you don't mind saying? General area is fine, or you can send me a PM. I'm in NE Paulding and haven't seen anything, but that doesn't meant it's not here.
  2. Surely not when it's done in love?
  3. Thank you. I hope it doesn't give me nightmares.
  4. OK, I know you have a lot going on with Mr. Baby and the AYP conversation, but you have fallen down on the job. I am so disappointed. You no longer have the creepiest avatar on pcom...that distinction now goes to Monkeytail. Just thought you should know. (I still love you, though. )
  5. Good for NE Paulding property values. Woo hoo! (Considering the skule system not meeting AYP is NOT good for them. )
  6. Everything I've heard (admittedly not in the loop; just what I read in the Cartersville paper) says they're on the fast track. This is a huge deal.
  7. Awwwwwww...what a great trip this will be! I hope you have a great time!!!
  8. Good Lord, but that avatar just creeps me out. Of course, those two creep me out entirely. :cringing: Sorry for the hijack. Carry on.
  9. I do like the way you think. The more I think about this the more it seems that whoever said they are trying to keep certain peoples from being deposed sounds more and more sensible. This little ol' case (not little to surepip, but little in the grand scheme of things) is a nothingburger as municipal things go. Why it wasn't settled IMMEDIATELY and made to go away is just mystifying to me.
  10. To explain my "other" vote in the last category: I think they are delaying, in part, to protect some people (that's just a hunch), and because they don't want to open the door to more lawsuits.
  11. See? This is my entire problem with this thing. I don't know surepip from Adam's housecat...he might be the looniest guy in the universe. (Sorry, sp...I don't really think you are, but for the sake of argument.) But if he is a total loon, LET IT GO TO A JURY TRIAL AND BE FOUND SO. And if he's not a total loon and has a case, let that go to a jury trial as well, and get this mess settled, do what's right by him and move on. Seeing more and more of our tax dollars thrown down a rat hole (no offense to any of the attorneys involved, although if the shoe fits...:snicker:) is NOT making me a
  12. I agree, GT...I really like this board so far, but this is without excuse. I don't even have any words.
  13. Hey, he kinda looks like that Verizon dude. Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know that's been a long, hard road. Excellent work.
  14. DG got banned till September? Wha??? I'm sad.
  15. I KNOW!!! I always feel like I need to walk through one of those sci-fi freeze-dry the outer layer of your skin off showers when I leave.
  16. Oh, man, I hate to hear that, wherever it is.
  17. I prolly should qualify my earlier statement. If it was somebody who killed a kid, I would be happy to do it. HAPPY. Also, excellent points, eym sirius.
  18. Sounds to me like you're one of them troublemakers and just expect too damn much. (Good for you for standing up to them. Yes, I know they are busy. But some things defy any excuse.)
  19. Not saying I disagree...I just couldn't be the one to do it.
  20. Moved on when I found out what they were. In a couple of cases (including now), not as quickly as I would have liked due to not having another position. However, if I'd been Sara, I'd have kicked Darren's butt. He wouldn't have pulled that crap on me and gotten away with it.
  21. You are not alone. I have to make myself stop thinking about it or I will either start crying or get sick.
  22. Go figure that. That poor man. What is he now...35 or so? Geez Louise.
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