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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I have no stockpile. Those things in my basement that look like light bulbs aren't light bulbs. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  2. MAN, that is great. I hate the thought of a little furry creature hiding up under the hood like that. I'm so glad he was able to hold on and not get killed in the engine. Merry Christmas, little feller!
  3. Oh, dear...you have my condolences. I don't go out there unless I absolutely HAVE to. But you're right about the nimrods in traffic. :sigh: I just want to shake such people until their teeth rattle. Stupid idiots.
  4. I hope so. I did read that Alabama's unemployment rate dropped precipitously since their immigration law went into effect. Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation, but I did find it interesting. I work for an engineering firm, and we are seeing a slight but sustained uptick in the construction industry as a whole. Wee hoo!
  5. I'll help you, sister. Please. I'm guessing they wouldn't pull their crap on a store like yours. Probably only bigger stores where their actions could go unnoticed for a little while. I didn't click on the link because of y'all's warnings, but I have adblock (I usre Firefox) and I rarely see any adverts on web pages. Once in awhile one gets through, but it's heaven not having to look at crap. There are a number of applications for every browser, I should think, that will block ads. Edited to add that I also have the ghostery app on Firefox, which shows which sites are trackin
  6. What great stories! I'm one of those FB refuseniks, but only because a) it eats up my time totally, and 2) the people who find me are the ones I don't want to find me. I didn't like them back then, and I don't like them now. But I'm very happy for you all. I know it can be a really good tool.
  7. I'm sure they could, as long as they weren't breaking any laws, etc. I called about renting the library of one of the schools near us for a HOA meeting. The lady gave me all the info about how to fill out the forms, how much it costs, etc. I'm sure it would be the same for anybody.
  8. I agree. Actually, I think it's a pretty good deal for the schools. Organizations (churches, whatever) rent the buildings and help offset costs (and pay for their own utilities, etc.). Seems to be a win-win for me. Churches (and Mr. Gay Pageants) don't have to fork out expenses for buildings, and the school buildings/parking are already there. As long as the schools aren't incurring a loss, and as long as they apply the rules to everybody equally, I don't see a problem with it. And yes, I'd be fine if a mosque wanted to rent a school to hold their services or whatever it is they do. Or
  9. Megadittos on both. The LED Christmas lights look anemic, ESP. when people combine them with the older lights. I have CFLs in six fixtures; two have already burned out in less than a year. I can't wait for the rest to go out. I'm just thankful I'm not one of those unfortunate souls who has seizures triggered by flickering lights.
  10. It's internet meth, I'm tellin' you! I'm swearing out a warrant for whoever started this thread. :lookingupsheriff'snumber:
  11. I think that's normal, esp. since you found out (or at least that's what I understood) before any news accounts were published. I would have thought the same thing (that the murder was recent).
  12. Oh, thanks for the tips! Now I can totally lose all track of time, obligations, people I love, etc.
  13. Yeesh. That sounds like a happy family right there.
  14. OH. So that would be the advantage of signing up. OK, I'll try that. Yes, not only doesn't it go back to where you were on the page, but like the page is totally new (with some old stuff but in different places) when you go back. So I wind up going all the way to the top and starting over again. I seldom make it to the bottom. GAH!
  15. OK, you evil, EVIL people who turned me onto this site - I have a couple of questions: a) When you click on an entry to get a bigger picture, does your main page go back to where it was when you click back? Mine doesn't, and it's driving me a little batty. 2) That big fat banner at the top is annoying. If you have an ID and log in, does it go away? EVIL, I say!
  16. When I was active, I wasn't a member, and if I ever reactivate, I won't be a member. I agree with you completely about them and their mission. I have a seriously negative view of the org.
  17. I still bear emotional scars from us having Brahmas when I was a kid. :shudder: 'Em 'ar is some mean suckers. (Although I will take your word that Rojo is nice. )
  18. I prefer Palmetto Dunes and Sea Pines. Any of the hotels or villas or condos or houses in either complex, really.
  19. Sales for 2007-2010 overstated by 14%. Geez Louise.
  20. Maine, right? What part? I was in the southern part (as far as Portland) several years ago, but would love to go back for a week or more just to explore the coastline.
  21. OK, there are four major positives in that sentence. You're doing some good thinking...
  22. That's it! I have no man in the house, so ergo, no silly excuse to get rid of perfectly good TVs and buy flat screens instead. Your husband sounds like my brother...every time I turn around they have a new computer (they have like 5) and a new TV (they have at least 6). I do that every once in awhile...I'm happy to say that I don't really show up on anybody's radar that I can find. I'd like to keep it that way.
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