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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. +++ Edited for getting personal in the Cafe. Remember that all are entitled to their opinion. Discussion on a wide range of topics is encouraged. Don't make it personal if you don't like what someone posts. Sgt. Carter +++
  2. I had to laugh at this one. hahahahaha hahahaa This cracks me up, and so sweet. That you love this man, I have no doubt. It stands out in everything you say about him. That is awesome.
  3. I don't think he should be in the hall of fame. He cheated. But ooh - 30 days house arrest. Geez...will he survive? :sigh:
  4. OK, here's my vent - if you're gonna be one of those people who decorates to high heaven so that people drive 10 miles to see your lights, please, for the love of God, PUT YOUR LIGHTS ON A TIMER instead of just leaving them off if you're not going to be home. They're $5 at Wal-Mart. Otherwise, people have to explain to their very disappointed 4yo nephews why they don't get to see the pretty lights they saw last week at the same place. That is all.
  5. Love the hiking thing. The beach thing - not so much. I can just see me - MISERABLE in the heat on the beach in the middle of summer in the middle of a great crowd of people. GAH! I've heard this many a time. Some worked, some didn't. All I do know is that you're a peach. YES YES YES!!!!!!! That is truly awesome. Good for you. You're my new hero. Two AWESOME places! I'm sure the snow on the bridge was just stunning. That really couldn't have been better...that's a lovely place.
  6. Awww. That's sweet, and I think it's great you feel the way you do. I'd be the same way.
  7. It's just a defunding provision good only through 9/30/12. The wankers should repeal the idiot law, and yes, a GOP congressidiot from Michigan sponsored the original bill to ban the incandescents.
  8. Nice! What were your reservations about saying yes (if you don't mind sharing)?
  9. Now, see, that's my style. Nicely done.
  10. I've heard that about Disney. I am SO not a Disney person, but for those who are (and I have a couple of friends who fall into that category), that's cute. It's actually more than cute for those who love Disney...it's Very Special. Well done.
  11. I'll have to watch the video when I get home, but cute story! I love the individuality of each couple's story.
  12. Cute!!! OK, I could go for that one...I LOVE Mighty Mo at the Fox! Sweet story.
  13. OK, as a spin-off of the Ellen topic where the guy asked the girl to marry him (which was a hoax), how did you get engaged? I stated in that thread that I would viciously maim any man who asked me in public to marry him. I am SOOO not into public displays of any sort. I would much rather sit down together in quiet and discuss it. A friend of mine got engaged at the drive-thru at Wendy's...her now-husband said to her, "So, do you want to get married, or what?" hahahaha I know high-maintenance girls who would get all bent out of shape if the guy didn't rent a horse/carriage in Central Park
  14. I would viciously maim any man who dared ask me in public to marry him. Edited to re-word and not sound so dorky.
  15. I'll go with that. He was HORRIBLE in that whole mess. He's the one who told the bank people to sign the paper agreeing to the bailouts or they weren't leaving the room. I'd have told him to bring me some supper, then, because I'm staying. Not a Paulson fan am I.
  16. I must say to the OP - this turned into a very interesting topic once Sarge got off his hiney and cleaned it up. (j/k...you know I love you, Sarge... )
  17. Amen. I think it was a case of she married very young before she knew who she was and what she wanted out of life, but she was determined to stick it out because she married him. Thankfully, she chose well when she remarried.
  18. Heck, I'll even give money to his campaign.
  19. Various people have been after him for years. Prisoners have sued him over and over. They mostly lost, but in the cases where they won, he modified the program to comply with the law. Like the time he took cable TV away and the court said he had to put it back. So he put it back and only shows Disney Channel and The Weather Channel. hahahahaa I will say if he's guilty of what they say, that is wrong. However, I will wait to see what the grand jury says.
  20. I once knew a lady whose husband was very critical; he didn't really want her to improve herself, but criticized her every flaw, no matter how slight. She was overweight and out of shape, so she finally got herself together (she's an RN) and started exercising and eating correctly. She lost down to her proper size and was very fit, and was beautiful. Whereupon he left her for another woman. IMHO, such things speak to the lack of structural integrity of the relationship. Something is Very Wrong from the beginning.
  21. I've seen it in at least one couple I can think of. The guy was just immensely insecure and therefore wanted to keep the wife as dowdy and uneducated as possible. Why women EVER find a man like that attractive enough to marry is beyond me. This behavior - IMHO - is related to batterers. And men like that pick women who feel they aren't worth anything. Or, as Gavin deBecker puts it, men who can't hear no choose women who can't say no.
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