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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I am so with you on that commute...that would be major suckage. I'd rather have a root canal than commute to Alpharetta every day. HOWEVER, what do you want to do when you think about it? Is this something you've waited your whole life for (the amazing opportunity, that is), or is it just a really good opportunity that you wonder if you should try? Things to think about. I gotta tell you - that commute would nearly be a deal-breaker for me. It wouldn't be the length or time necessarily (I've done long commutes before and the mundane ones were ok), but I just HATE having to navigate th
  2. Oh, dear Lord. This is bad. This is very, very bad.
  3. Not just that; I've read of kids being targeted by pedophiles or other bad people via information posted about them on the interwebz (FB and the like). Also, coordinates for pictures taken via smart phone can be identified, telling where and when the photo was taken. I personally tell almost nothing about myself on the internet. I'm just weird that way. Nope...not the last. I don't have one, either. I'm a dud.
  4. Yeah, 'cause everybody like knows who I am and where I live and stuff! (I sense your mockery, you bad, bad person. However, I do agree people shouldn't put out too much real info on FB or whatever.)
  5. You got it, sister. I don't even know what to say, but the Father understands our prayers even when we don't have words. Oh, and God bless your husband for taking care of her, and God bless you for praying for them. Holy crap. I hate this so badly.
  6. Rest of fam is headed to TN the day after Christmas, but I gotta work, so I'm stayin' here. But then, I like holidays at home where everything's quiet and I'm not out in the traffic/weather mess.
  7. We like him. I wasn't in my pj's, but I did all mine online, too. I am SOOOO not an in-person shopper.
  8. YES!!! I wait excitedly for this day every year, because they I can start watching for the days to grow longer. :happydance:
  9. Really? Us? Insanity promoting sanity...go figure. Merry Christmas to you, too!
  10. My 16-year-old (at the time) nephew developed foot drop after he was in a coma following a car wreck. When he was in rehab at Shepherd, they put his feet in casts for several days to get them to relax. Hey, if Botox works, great!
  11. Why wouldn't overweight people be able to work extra hours? I think it's logical that overweight people aren't paid as much, either because of perceptions of the employer, or as eym said, they have less self esteem and are willing to settle for less. Sad either way.
  12. I must say I agree with that entire list. Honestly, I want to ask some of these auto makers/designers - do you EVER talk to real people when you approve a design? Ye gods. The Jag and the BMW - those things are hideous! I've never been a Nissan fan, for some reason...just don't like any of them or any of the Infinitis. And I heard MONDO stuff about the '12 Civic, which is completely stupid. They took one of the best small cars ever and just royally trashed it. How dumb.
  13. How do you define "American"? Foreign-owned but built here (Camry) or US-owned but built in Canada (Chevy trucks?), etc.
  14. Like Mr. F said, go early or go late, or you'll be waiting in a long line. I must say, when I first moved here, I heard about it, and I thought, riiiiight. Well, it really is that good. I mean, you can't compare it to Lanier, and certainly not to Callaway, because it's a residential house/yard. But he does a bang-up professional job. I just think it's cool they want to do all this and have their house inundated with traffic six weeks out of the year. We do share a brain. However, I was a bit embarrassed this summer when I was having two neighborhood teenagers doing some yard wor
  15. Sadly, I think this is probably correct.
  16. Dude...if it was one eye, it'd be worse! At least this way you're balanced. I'm so sorry...I'm thinkin' I'd have freaked, too. Great advice from the other peeps.
  17. hahaahahahahahahahahahahaaa I could not agree more. It's a TREMENDOUS effort, and please know that we appreciate it so much. (BTW, even though we've been often, we are very conscious of not staying too long. If there's a big line, we only stay 2 or 3 songs. But going late is great...like 9:45 or so...there's rarely a line at that time, and it's quite enjoyable.
  18. I agree, LPPT. There are many reasons a couple might lose the original physical attraction. And if the cause is emotional or physical (illness), it seems to me the kind and caring and (!) loving thing to do would be to help them through it. After all, you did say "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health". However, I find that all too often that when people get married, what they really mean when they say their vows is "for better, for richer, in health, until we hit the first inconvenience do part."
  19. Oh, good heavens - it was just a VENT. People have the right to have their lights on or not as they so choose. My 4yo nephew just doesn't understand when the ones that are usually on aren't on. Personally, while I do see riograce's point, I would rather have them on and everybody not be able to tell if I was home or not by whether my lights were on. A trade-off, I guess. Felix Family Lights - It was not you. I don't even know whose yard it is...but it's decorated to the hilt and obviously set up to have people drive by and look at it. We've been to yours bunches of times already, and
  20. This is me. I don't care anything about gifts at Christmas. I give them we have little kids in the family, but otherwise...meh.
  21. I like you. I hear Priuses are great little cars. I note that no Volvo made that list, and yet they're forever touting their safety. I had one once...bought it new and it was the biggest piece of crap I have ever owned. I ditched it at 70K miles for a Camry. Lost my shirt but it was worth it to get rid of the stupid thing.
  22. I saw that earlier. Truly sickening. If the dad behaves that badly in public, how awful must that home life be? :sigh:
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