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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. TJB's dogs look as mistreated as Cranemec and Blondie's do.
  2. Excellent questions, Pubby. This affects me not at all, but I don't like to see people misled. In one scenario I saw for another district, the new company was required to hire all employees at the same rate of pay and "comparable" benefits guaranteed for a year. So what happens after a year? I'm not dissin' Ms. Cobb with my questions...I'd ask the same of anybody. And in the situation of Floyd County BOE, many regular employees were RIF'd and massive cuts made, all while a bunch of nimrods in maintenance made off with over $600K that they know of so far. Some might wonder if jobs c
  3. Good Lord! That ain't no dog, mister, that's a buffalo! He's beautiful!
  4. Tired of BS, your dog could eat TP's Yorkie for a snack. I forgot about Siameses...I LOVE their beauty and talkativeness. And Jenilyn, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for pit bulls. I love their sweet eyes and loyalty.
  5. Yeah, I love 'em all. My heart is with the pound pups but I adore German Shepherds...they are AWESOME. I would love to have a Manx or Maine Coon, although I surely couldn't love them more than I love the grumbly gus of a stray fat pig who adopted me when I lived in Smyrna.
  6. He's beautiful. But it's that sweet smile! And I'm so glad he's a good kid. Any time I hear of a hard-working teenager with goals, my heart is happy. Know what is so cute about Jordan's girlfriend? She's wearing pearls!
  7. This is why I cannot wholeheartedly support capital punishment in America today, even though I am pro-capital punishment in general. Too much room for error, and a faulty (in several ways) appeals process.
  8. Doesn't matter to moi - they couldn't edit in her saying things she didn't say. What a tool.
  9. Woefully inadequate news reporting in this story (par for the course these days). Did these dudes use surrogates to have the kids, and were they intended to be the children of this couple? Or did the men agree to father children for other couples? Im assuming the former, but because the stupid story doesn't have enough details, we don't know. FTR, I have no issue with gay adoption. I'd a thousand times rather see children raised in a loving gay home than in a bad heterosexual home.
  10. Oh, wow. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to experience something like that.
  11. He'll have to cough up the names to the grand jury on account of they subpoenaed them. I would dearly love to see some justice done in this county, but I ain't countin' on it.
  12. Ditto on Jase and Si. I had to shake my head at the Vegas show, but whatever blows their skirt up. Willie does know how take money.
  13. Meh...he's ok. Yeah, he's a good 'un. I had not heard about this...how awful!
  14. Honestly - a complete fiasco, debacle, travesty, and a lot of other bad words I can think of. The politics in this county suck. Twin says it is making Clayton County look good in comparison. That is sad.
  15. In buckets, like the POWs in Hogan's Heroes when they built their tunnels.
  16. I'm still in shock that anybody was even charged, much less sentenced to jail time. I love the protesting of the sentences. Geez...
  17. True story. He was in a TON of stuff.
  18. Wow. That was a brawl, for sure. Strange.
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