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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. It does happen, even to news junkies like you and me. I wasn't busting on you...just making a point that it was in the news.
  2. This happened last fall. Unless your post was sarcasm, in which case I apologize.
  3. In fact, it was discussed right here 9n this very site: http://paulding.com/forum/topic/312060-does-anyone-like-fried-okra-okra-mistaken-for-pot-in-mans-garden/?hl=%2Bmarijuana+%2Band+%2Bokra
  4. It was all over the local news for several days just after it happened. The whole war on drugs is a waste of money if you ask me. Not saying we shouldn't combat the hard stuff, but not doing it the way we have been.
  5. I'm guessing Roberts and Kennedy will be yes votes. I don't know why we don't do things like Europe and have the government sanction the union and then those who wish to have the blessing of the church have a separate ceremony. That way, gays are able to marry, and churches which don't subscribe to same are out of the loop.
  6. Sorry - I gotta go with Harris. No surprise there, considering I can't imagine my agreeing with Chomsky on much.
  7. Would you stop generalizing those of us on the right? I freely admit when I'm wrong, as do most of my friends. However, I do see how one might form such an opinion based on some of the obnoxious rhetoric-spew I see on some sites.
  8. Way annoying! I'll continue to pray, dearest.
  9. I trust I'm not the one making you sick. I'm not takin' the bait. I've a good history of being balanced in this area, and deaths due to asthma attacks untreated in these types of situations always make me mourn.
  10. Carriers of ticks with Lyme disease.
  11. Good. Please do keep us posted. I'll be praying for you.
  12. Ooh...interesting. Will watch when I have time.
  13. Which arm was numb? My mother had an episode of vertigo (no numbness) and it lasted maybe a few days? Can't remember what the dr. gave her, but it was the regular stuff, whatever that is. I remember her opening the car door as they were leaving for the dr. so she could throw up...she was in misery.
  14. I like the small shop approach. I currently use Walgreens because their prices were way better for my meds than CVS.
  15. Good analysis, Pubster. Hersh is being roundly denounced from pretty much all sides.
  16. The Patriots are serial offenders...they are just happy it wasn't worse. I don't like cheaters.
  17. I watched the complete skit on YT. Decently funny. Best part was at the end. ETA: One of the things I appreciate most about good actors is their ability to convey emotion with a simple facial expression.
  18. The nest has been empty the last few times I've looked.
  19. Not just DEA...under civil forfeiture laws, pretty much any agency can take it.
  20. Rome's air show is also the first weekend in October (with USMC F-22 Raptor team, USMC Osprey Demo Team, Geico skywriters, vintage planes, and a slew of other air stuff), a BBQ cook-off, a concert with the Charlie Daniels Band, and fireworks. Prices look to be roughly the same as Peachtree City air show prices. Last year's show (first ever) with the USAF Thunderbirds had 75,000 attendees from 19 states. http://www.wingsovernorthgeorgia.com
  21. That, dearest, is beautifully said.
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