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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'd post a smart comeback, but I'm laughing too hard.
  2. :JUMPINGUPANDDOWN: I was the one who posted the original thread a few months ago about crap from China!!! ARGH!!! http://paulding.com/forum/topic/313003-does-it-bother-you-when-items-read-made-in-china/
  3. DVRd it. LOVE me some Kevin Bacon.
  4. FTR, I am theoretically in favor of capital punishment for the most heinous and deliberate of crimes, but not in the manner in which it is currently administered in the US. My main problems being possible innocence of those put to death and the ridiculously long appeals process. I don't know what it would take to fix it, but it ain't what it ought to be. The manner of execution is not one of the problems I have with it. I wouldn't care if they tied a cold-blooded killer to a train track and let the train run over them...it'd still be more merciful than what many/most murder victims expe
  5. It deters those who are executed.
  6. Ahem. I'm just a shade to the right of Antonin Scalia and I posted a whole thread awhile back about crap coming from China. I am fine with regulations...it's excessive regulations I have a problem with.
  7. Saw the original threat by ISIS. That bunch needs to bite the dust yesterday. Godspeed, Twitter folks.
  8. Oh, come on - give them a little credit...they could conceivably lick the dweeb to death.
  9. Yeah, Twitter done had a nervous breakdown.
  10. It's quite annoying...I thought it was silly at first but I've gotten quite attached to it. On other sites, there doesn't seem to be a limit.
  11. Once again I agree with Rose, but she is a far better person than I. My thoughts run along the lines of y'all bring a knife to a fight, we'll bring a gun, etc. NO, FOR YOU SIMPLETONS OUT THERE, I AM NOT ADVOCATING VIOLENCE. It is a figure of speech. Besides, Citizen Cain already did the advocating of violence in the other thread.
  12. Nah...I saw it when it originally aired. Even though I was just a tiny baby..er, kid...ok, teenager, if you must know! So, correct me if I'm wrong but what I think you're saying is THE. SHIP. IS. SINKING!!!!!!!!!
  13. I responded to Rose before I read through the posts from page 1...ye gods. I don't know whether to laugh at that whole clown crowd or be mad. (I choose mad.) HOW DARE YOU THREATEN A REGULAR CITIZEN FOR ASKING SIMPLE, HONEST QUESTIONS?!?!?!? I am beyond appalled and outraged. BEYOND. Talk about somebody picking on the wrong person. Geez frickin' Louise. I can assure you that those of us who stand with stradial have enough contacts in the media and legal world to bring down a crap storm the likes of which would be talked about for years on anyone who tries anything against stradial.
  14. Oh, Rose, you ignorant slut. Don't you know that we should leave the running of this county to those who know soooo much better than us peons? (Sorry...I couldn't help myself. But I had already come to the same conclusion as what you said in your most excellent post above.)
  15. I know you don't, but honestly, there is nothing more honorable than keeping walking one foot in front of the other in support of someone else when you feel like anything but. Oh, dear Lord - I love you, man! Well said!!!!!!!
  16. Anybody who knows stradial can tell you that he is more harmless and less threatening than just about any person I have ever met. While we are twins, I am the assertive/get-in-your-face half (although the Lord has moderated that greatly over the years and now I am very selective in which battles I choose to fight). stradial is the happy, harmless, utterly likeable half. He is not political that I have ever known, although he is pretty conservative. So if anybody wants to pick a fight with stradial, know that he will not be standing alone. I love you, man. :sniff:
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