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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. What a nice thought, mimosaflower! I accept, and say thank you back. Not having children almost never bothers me, but occasions like this when one goes to a church which makes a big to-do about mothers (even to the point of honoring the oldest and youngest mothers there and handing out flowers to each mother), it sort of is a major pain.
  2. They had a big truck that would come out and spray it like a thin slurry. Yeah, I can see how it could be ookie.
  3. Don't be dissin' my favorite weirdo, now. You weren't the worst...just a worst wannabe.
  4. Daddy used to buy chicken manure from a local chicken house to put on his pastures...it stinks till it rains, but great fertilizer.
  5. Fascinating! Imma hafta go back and read all that again so I can understand it all...thanks, SP!
  6. Sure thing...I just wanted to make sure you saw it.
  7. Bumping in case sp didn't see. I understand reply may take more than a minute.
  8. Oh, dear Lord...8 hours will destroy the entire town. So sorry the people died.
  9. Ar5icle says they're not banned from graduating; just the graduation ceremony. I think if you're stupid and juvenile enough to pull crap like this, you're too stupid and juvenile to participate in a graduation ceremony. What losers.
  10. I have a few questions about the way chicken houses operate. - I'm assuming laying chicken houses are constructed differently than houses for eating chickens...is this correct? What is the construction protocol for each and how much does the construction of each cost? - Who bears the cost of construction of the houses? - How does the farmer get paid? Does he front the cost of the birds or are they the property of whatever company (Perdue, Tyson, et al)? Does Does he front the cost of feed? Are there medicines, etc., he has to provide? - Are there standards for employees of
  11. Don't get your hopes up. 20 stores minus 1 in W. Cobb, 1 in Smyrna, 1 in Buckhead, and 18 in North Fulton don't leave any to build in Paulding. Heh.
  12. Duh. They've been cheating for years. Not just them, I'm sure, but obviously them.
  13. Very sad. Totally preventable if only someone else had been there...
  14. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! I think it's a stretch to say she's named for Charles when Carole and Pippa are right there. Well done. Yes, she usually does her own makeup...I wasn't thinking there. I love her can-do attitude.
  15. Thank the Lord somebody didn't hold an Everybody Draw Jesus event. The carnage caused by rioting Methodists would be incalculable.
  16. Idiots. She had stylists do her hair and makeup, but it would be too easy to verify that she was there. Alice was the #1 bet.
  17. Diana wasn't really an unexpected choice, inasmuch as it was in the top seven names bookies were taking bets on. GREAT names. I am supremely happy. I love that they honored QEII with the name as well. I love her. Photo in the Daily Mail driving herself (88 or 89) to see them at Sandringham today. Yesterday, a pic was there of Prince Philip (93) driving them to church. She also still rides her horses.
  18. They're waiting to announce so they can tell QEII beforehand. I hope they name her Elizabeth, but I would love for one of her names to be Diana, which would seriously torque Charles and Camilla.
  19. Well, I can't be put in a specific category...not a large-l libertarian, def. not a traditional GOPer, either. I know what you're saying about the pork, but I don't see that as pork...I just see it as necessary (federal $$$ for federal roads, state $$$ for state roads, at least as far as that can go).
  20. If I had a wood-burning fireplace, I'd be all over that. Hope you get someone to take care of it soon.
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