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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. They are out of that totally ugly stage...I swear I think they've doubled in size just in the past week!
  2. I meant to add that it's also LITERAL justice. BMW's lawyers earned their money with this one.
  3. Have you tried googling the error? Say using the words "windows 7 floppy disk error xxx"...sometimes I find something like that is a common problem that folks have posted a solution to.
  4. What are mealworms? :offtoaskmrgoogle: Well, I have learned something new today! Thanks, Jules!
  5. Meh. I done said it...ain't sayin' it again. Happy Birthday, chica!
  6. Wow. I'm sorry...I hope you find it.
  7. Others are correct...AJC says he had a history of aggressive behavior towards police officers. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/family-of-man-killed-by-smyrna-police-call-for-fbi/nkd64/
  8. What is a blackman? Kinda like a blacksmith? BTW - before the pro-police folks get their knickers in a twist, I can TOTALLY understand the crap police face every day, and maybe they heard a gunning engine or something even if he was stopped. I wouldn't do their job if you paid me triple what they make. Or triple that, even.
  9. Sounds like somebody was a little trigger-happy, BUT as Guard Dad said, the investigation will show what actually happened. I'm assuming the GBI will investigate.
  10. I hate people. Especially stealing people.
  11. Oh, come on. Y'all know gubment peeps cain't be fired.
  12. TRUE STORY. China alone is an incredible violator of sound conservation policy in most every way.
  13. Speaking of the Dust Bowl, Henry Wallace was a big help in creating modern, healthier-for-the-land farming practices. He was a Communist sympathizer and Roosevelt's VP during his third term. Very Socialist (in every way) in his earlier years, when he was older, he became vastly more conservative and supported both Eisenhower and Nixon in the '56 and '60 elections. Anyhoo, he has always fascinated me because of his innovative farming methods. The largest agricultural research facility in the world is named after him. Some info about a very interesting dude: https://en.wikipedia.org/
  14. I agree with your assessment of the Dust Bowls; however, I disagree that Climate Change is solely caused by human actions. As Rose said, perhaps some climate change is affected by the actions of man, but most is related to factors beyond our control. As for Lindsey Graham...I have no use for him. He's too concerned about what John McCain thinks to have an original idea, and John McCain makes me gag.
  15. Uh...honey, single zero dependents is the highest personal income tax bracket. My mother just about died the year after Daddy walked on ahead when her filing status changed to single zero.
  16. Hey, glad to see you...been missin' that wacky sense of humor that I love.
  17. Wow, another 12yo with attempted first degree murder (of her mother, no less)...and she didn't even have Slenderman telling her what to do.
  18. 8f no one claims them, bird mom's thrift store is a good place because shelters give vouchers to use for stuff at her store. Also St. Vincent de Paul or MUST Ministries (which is in Cobb).
  19. I bet not Shepherd...I'm guessing really nice nursing home. Shepherd doesn't take patients they don't think can be rehabbed. Perhaps they've seen something to make them think she can but I'm still guessing nursing home.
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