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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Also, Sloppy Floyd State Park is just on the north side of Taylor's Ridge, and is a sweet little state park to wander around in.
  2. I've always loved the Poncey-Highland area. Good memories. The Kroger in Buckhead on Piedmont, I think, is still Disco Kroger to me (so named because of the club the Limelight that used to be in the same shopping center).
  3. Courses these days have rules against letting perverts play.
  4. You're really gonna use a picture taken just after a woman has given birth (20 years ago or so now) as the bad picture? Better get ready to run, dude.
  5. Yeah, she's the owner's niece or some such. What a tool.
  6. Yeah, the pay ain't great, but I'm guessin' it's not real hectic, either.
  7. Yeah, good luck with that. (Saith the evangelical Christian with a dim view of how most churches operate.)
  8. Some idiot has killed nearly half a million chickens in SC belonging to six growers, all of whom grew for Pilgrim's Pride. Speculation is revenge, since PP laid off 60 workers not long ago. I don't care what the motive is...holy cow - I hope they serve mondo time for this. As an aside, sp - what is the security like for chicken houses? Says whoever did this knows their way around, as alarms were bypassed, etc. Could chickens be poisoned or something be given to them to make them poisonous to humans? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2983368/325-000-chickens-Clarendon-South-Ca
  9. Hoo, law!!! I WANT IT NOW!!! Holy cow, that looks fantastic. And yes, mashed taters would be a necessity.
  10. Man, if I were a college kid, I'd JUMP at that job! What a cool thing!
  11. Yeah, I don't get the Commission part, either. Whatever. Rome's air show last year drew 70,000 people and most were from outside the county. This year's is gonna be even bigger...they're already announcing plans.
  12. Adorbs!!! And exactly why I don't have one of those fancy cat trees in my house. She would just look at it and hop up on some uncomfortable-looking perch and go to sleep. Silly beasts.
  13. Ordinarily, I think they would, but in this case with the media all over it, they'll be a little more cautious. But they'll still ask them to move her at some point.
  14. That's all the rage now. I also found out that the super skinny brows are a gang indicator. Which I don't like because mine are pretty skinny. But I ain't got no tattoos or know nothin' else about bein' a gang member, so maybe people won't be thinkin' I am one.
  15. There ain't enough money to pay me to be a nurse...they get it from the patients and from the doctors
  16. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Frickin' hilarious!!! (And doesn't she have the loveliest blue eyes?!) :stilllaughing:
  17. Ah, dammit. Prayers for his family. Well done, sir...rest in peace.
  18. ALL men are dogs. Don't you watch the Lifetime network?
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