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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. So, took our picnic out to Berry tonight and after we ate, we drove out to the old Academy (now WinShape) campus and stopped at Swan Lake. Lo and behold, we saw some goslings toddling along with their parents pecking for bugs and seed in the grass. I got out to investigate, and there were THREE little families!!! The first looked to be about three weeks old (6 of them), the next were two weeks old (5 of them), and the third were a week old or so (4 of them). PRECIOUS!!! Gotta love Berry...got the obligatory picture of Frost Chapel - kids were playing frisbee football and listening to
  2. That video was quite interesting, Pubby. I was very impressed with their attitudes.
  3. Nice love fest you two are having. But I support tax dollars spent for infrastructure support...IMHO, it's one of the legitimate roles of federal government. I just don't like the pork that often gets attached to the bill. But carry on.
  4. Proxy, thanks for the explanation. Geez...the ship really is sinking.
  5. I read about that..do they not have health food service inspections in TN?
  6. But I am preparing for the ZA! Oh, well...I prepared for Y2K, too. Did you see the story that Tesla has a battery that can power a whole house for like a day or something? And NASA is testing a type of warp drive that could theoretically get travelers to the moon in four hours. (Sorry no links...on phone and no time to look up.)
  7. Weeelll, now, their tax base is slightly bigger than ours. But I've have a problem with theirs if they did everything in a hush-hush-you-silly-little-taxpayers manner. Very interesting list, though. Azerbaijan with the world's tallest building. Huh.
  8. I knew that...interesting, huh? I know some white thugs, and I don't consider it to be pejorative if it's describing behavior (which it does with the yokels I mentioned). But I won't use it if it's gonna make people feel bad. I like hooligan better anyway.
  9. Go back to sleep, hon...I'll let you know if anybody comes lookin'. J/K...we need our Blondie all the time!
  10. IDK - they're generally paid announcements set up by the funeral home and included in the funeral expenses. If they paid for it, I'm guessing that's why they let it run.
  11. 8yo nephew is learning cursive but he's in a private school. I think the not learning cursive thing is ridiculous.
  12. Oh, dear Lord. The worst of the WORST of all bugs!!! If I wasn't already grossed out, I am now. :shudder:
  13. Oh. Yeah, I can see that. The filter-feeder thing did it for me, either. I don't eat pork if I can help it, either. Turkey sausage, turkey bacon...mmmmmm!
  14. OK, clue me in, brothah...whachu be talkin' about?
  15. Gag a maggot. No offense to anybody what likes 'em, of course. I am grossed out by all filter feeders but this more so on account of sucking the juice out of the head thing. Thanks for the info!
  16. How does one eat the little critters?
  17. I will keep you in my prayers, BB. My own dear father walked on ahead 7 1/2 years ago and not a day goes by that I don't miss him.
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