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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. He cannot help himself...he is a news/politics junkie (just like me ).
  2. A dear friend of mine started showing dreadful symptoms after a day of yard work and went to the ER the following day. The ER doctor suspected Lyme disease right away and tested for it...gave him medicine and he got well almost immediately. I'm sorry your experience was not the same. It's a real disease. I can't think why anybody would think it's not here...we got ticks, and they got Lyme disease.
  3. How are you feeling? Been prayin' for you to make it through the chemo well.
  4. Dashcam footage echoes what the other video showed. I really don't see how a slew of bullets to the back could be construed as anything causing fear or harm to the officer. That is to say, by definition, if somebody is shot in the back, they are NOT facing the shooter. Also shows the taser, and shows the cop handcuffing the dead guy and waiting 2 1/2 minutes before checking his pulse. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3032828/New-dashcam-video-shows-Walter-Scott-fleeing-car-records-sounds-struggle-pulled-over.html
  5. Agreed. This is also my response to the question as to why more blacks are in jail than anybody else. Uh...because they committed the crimes? Even if you factor in racism (dear God, I hate that word), unjustly jailed innocent people, etc., blacks would still be the majority in prison.
  6. Pretty sure that's correct for here. However, I don't know about other states. Don't both sides have a limit on strikes? Also, isn't this a federal trial? Would rules be different?
  7. I'm guessing because of social media we are now hearing about all this stuff more. Regular media, too, of course. In our household, we nearly revere LE and military types. However, the fact remains that some folks become cops to enhance their already-sociopathic personalities. If that makes any sense. We've all seen them and I personally know three or four...bullies who should never have become cops, but now that they are, they're gonna make sure everybody knows who's boss.
  8. Good analysis. If it was Texas, duh...however, not sure what this Massachusetts jury Wil do. At least he will never walk the streets again.
  9. Or vicey versey...family violence begats depression. Either way, I agree with you. A couple of months ago I made a conscious decision to unplug from so much news (I am a news/politics junkie) because I was feeling so down about everything. I still think the ship is sinking, but at least now I don't dwell on it constantly. I'm focusing on things I can change and working on letting everything else go.
  10. I'm allergic to the stuff that comes before the big yellow pine crap. However, I HATE the big yellow pine crap! Tracks all in the house, the cars and anything else that is outside more than a nanosecond is completely coated. GAH!!! Then you have to wash off the porches, etc., that the rain can't get to. GAH!!! :sneeze:
  11. I love pasta AND mac and cheese AND Ina Garten! And Vancouver!
  12. SP - I would love your recipe for Tzesiki Sauce...
  13. I've never been in either of your situations, but believe me when I say I know grief. And you each had many years in a place you loved. You will be successful in building new (and better) lives, I am certain. However, grief doesn't just go away in a week. Some grief keeps rearing its ugly head for a Very Long Time. It will fade, but don't chastise yourselves if it takes longer than some people think it should. (My favorite is when some moron tells a person who's lost a child that they should be back in the swing of things in six months/a year/whatever.)
  14. Precisely why I stay out of the religious and political forums. But lately even regular topics are turning toxic. I greatly admire people who don't agree with me on issues yet who are able to discuss things without rancor, vitriol, ad hominem attacks, etc. A public figure example of this is the ever-delightful Camille Paglia...I disagree with her more than I agree with her probably, but I would love to live next door to her and have tea every day. Sadly, it seems this intolerant tone is pervasive across the nation and on both sides of most any issue. Very sad.
  15. Move a little west... http://www.landwatch.com/default.aspx?ct=R&type=5,37;6,111;13,12;92,479;268,6843&sort=PR_A
  16. I have heard good things about Cong. Loudermilk...smart move contacting him. Your and Melissa's resilience amazes me. I pray God's blessings on y'all.
  17. Hey, don't be pickin' on that sweet boy! He has style. But low - where is that killer smile??? Anyhoo, congratulations to my boyfriend!
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