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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan


    Yeah, me, neither. I guess they want some of us undesirables to die in storm rubble. And I never engage in stupid conspiracy theory stuff.
  2. Well, that makes sense. Pee outside where there's ticks, more spiders, bees, wasps, and snakes, not to mention poison ivy.
  3. Yes, ma'am. Otherwise known as "traditions of men". The original reference is Mark 16:16-18, which says: Mark 16:16-18 New Living Translation (NLT) 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages.[a] 18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” It i
  4. Which ain't sayin' much. Geez, people. Have some couth! I'm tired of the moustache thing, too.
  5. I second this. My crown is 38 years old.
  6. Ah, yes, the beautiful (and sweet) child. You did a totally great job on his hair! I think it's a great fun summer tradition!
  7. Amen and amen. I'm so sorry, Jenilyn. Many of us have been there, and it just sucks majorly. No way around it. I'm just so so sorry.
  8. What a stunning wedding venue! PICS!!!
  9. Oh, PRECIOUS!!! Look at that beautiful hair!!! I'm so glad you posted this. I can't believe it's been a year, either. I hope all is going well for you.
  10. I think it's a precious idea. When I was little, my parents fostered kids for several years, either one child or two siblings at a time. Then after several years, they decided to adopt my brother and sister (this was in the days before you could adopt kids you were fostering). I can't shed any light on the current system, but God bless you if you are really called to do this. I've thought about it before, and I just couldn't do it. With my personality, I'd just be a basket case when they had to leave (even in good circumstances), and I'd be insane when they had to leave in a situation
  11. That is a great place. I think it's 45 a care< IIRC. I love libraries. The Paulding libraries are doing storyteller stuff for kids each week during the summer. There was another thread recently about kids movies at 278 movies for $2.
  12. Bless your heart. That's what they signed the note for, so of course they owe it. And if the banks eat the loss, they just pass it along to consumers.
  13. Oh, wow. We love our weird little Jenilyn! I will add her to my prayers today and keep it up until I hear things are better.
  14. I use an internet search engine for EVERYTHING. I used Bing for awhile, which I liked, but mostly I use startpage.com, which runs off Google, but blocks all tracking data.
  15. YES YES YES!!! I am TOTALLY besotted with yellow and grey right now. GAH!!! I meant to only post the second pic, but posted the first one by accident and can't figure out how to delete. But I like the chandelier, anyway.
  16. I used to have that problem at my previous house. At this one, I had a problem with teenage kids sledding down a VERY VERY steep and long bluff at the back of my property. I made sure to let them know that was not cool and haven't seen them back there since. :crossingfingers:
  17. Awwwwwwww. I love the pic Postman noted, but I love the one where she's lying on her tummy with her little butt poked up in the air. How precious.
  18. How precious!!! How old are they? Great pics, but that b/w one is AWESOME. I would totally treasure that one.
  19. It is POURING here (near Crossroads).
  20. I don't live over there, but DANG, that road would be skeery sure enough at 70mph! I've had people tailgate me as well, and I'm no retiring violet driver. I just don't drive like a maniac (anymore... ).
  21. mei lan


    She may indeed need a good arse-whooping, and my 15yo would def. not have tattoos and multiple piercings. I'm not bitter, and I hope with my whole heart she is found soon. But I swear, these kids - esp. girls - just have no idea the evil that lurks out there just waiting for kids like them to come along. I could not sleep if this were my kid, and I'm guessing her family's not doing much sleeping, either. I'm going to add her to my prayer list and pray that not only is she found and returns home, but that the family heals, grows closer together, and and learns from this experience as a fami
  22. I love storms. I esp. love nighttime storms at bedtime. I esp. love daytime storms where I can see the wind blow and the rain fall. I love storms.
  23. AMEN, to the nth degree. For the record, I am NOT wealthy. I am worse off today than I was when I was 25. However, I am working hard towards making that statement not true by this time next year. Regardless, I will never stop working toward my goals. It IS a mindset. YES!!!!!!!
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