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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. He is indeed. I will keep their family in my prayers.
  2. OK, wow. That was a Very Long Read, but utterly fascinating!!! And I believe that people really do that. I actually know one person...ok, did know, on account of she's dead now, who we (her SIL and I) think had Munchausen. She actually worked on making herself sick, and did several times, the final time being fatal. The interwebz is a wild pioneer land. It's every bit as scary and unpredictable as the Old West was to the first people who explored and settled there. I'm way cautious. Way.
  3. The TN stretch of I-75 has been very well marked now, and they will shut that sucker down if fog gets bad enough. Sounds like what needs to happen on the TX road. Sad. Very, very sad. They said the fog was so thick that LE didn't realize for awhile that they were dealing with one big accident.
  4. Well, bless your heart. I don't know anything about what you're asking, but I'm so sorry! I'll pray that everything works out well for you.
  5. I would agree EXCEPT that she was on an outing as an employee of the facility when she did it. I would be most unhappy about that if I were the employer.
  6. It's China...I thought they had perfected the art of getting people to do as they're told. Either which way, geez louise...resale on that one is gonna be a real b-word!
  7. Or Elvis? I wonder if it's a life-altering discovery like the discovery of electricity or one of those life-altering discoveries of something about dirt that alters life for geeks who study dirt but not much of anybody else.
  8. Thanks! I always find that little area to be...ignorable (to coin a word). You drive right by and somehow it never occurs to glance over there. I hope it does well.
  9. Amen and amen. My father was in the Navy (Radioman 1st Class) in the Pacific in WWII. He was just a kid when he enlisted (to get to the Navy instead of being drafted into the Army), and had never been outside of NW GA/NE AL. Scared to death, but they did it. They did what had to be done. Wow. God bless them every one.
  10. Meaning you tried and found them lacking? (Sorry...feeling a little obtuse tonight...)
  11. Wha? Who? Where? I. Need. Donuts. OK, well "need" may not be exactly accurate...
  12. Well, I'd say I'm surprised, but there's been a story in the last couple of months about a 10yo (now 11yo) in Maine charged as an adult with murdering an infant in her mother's care. In that case, the mother left her alone with the baby even though she had shown violent tendencies before. In this case, a 13yo babysitting four younger siblings? Not saying it should never be done, but 13 isn't exactly adultish. God in heaven.
  13. Srsly? Would you go with him to Afghanistan if he were in the military and deployed? Do you wipe his butt? I'm not snarking at you...I'm snarking at whoever made up such a stupid rule. What if you were in the hospital? What if (God forbid) you were dead? That makes no sense. And if it's true, somebody needs a good slappin'.
  14. OK, so how does that work? I kinda know what it is, but don't know anyone who has used it.
  15. I don't know. I really don't.
  16. These incidents are becoming so common, it seems. Not cool. BTW - did they find any drugs?
  17. I don't. I eat bacon and sausage, but the turkey version. I can't get past that whole filter-feeder thing. :shudder: I don't eat shellfish, et al, either.
  18. It is. I wasn't kidding that it's a good book. I'm pretty picky about fiction, because there's so much bad crap out there. But this book moves, is suspenseful, and has good characters. I had to put it down to drive home from Tennessee, and I was irked all the way home because I wanted to know what happened. That, to me, is a good book. Oh, and he didn't leave any loose ends, either. I HATE when I read a book and three days later I think, "Oh, wait a minute...what happened with that other sub-plot thing?"
  19. Will do, Dana. Know where you are, hon. BTDT in spades. :sigh:
  20. I thought you were a man.
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