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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. People like this were always the whiny tattlers in elementary school. "Mrs. Smith, Johnny looked at me wrong! Wahhhhh..."
  2. I'm guessing people put out feelers for a thing like this ("say, do you know anybody who might know a guy..."), and esp. in small towns, local criminals aren't really interested in getting involved. But it would score them some points with the local LE to drop a dime on her (so next time they're arrested they can say hey, I did you a favor on that other thing), and so they talk to the local PD, who then sets up the sting.
  3. Bird Mom's Thrift Store in...is it Paulding Plaza? There at Butler Ind. and Merchants Drive? They take vouchers from Shepherd's Rest, the pregnancy center, and about a dozen other places.
  4. No. I hadn't heard that much about her behavior, but I did read in one article that he did NOT want the divorce and that he wanted to make sure she was well-taken-care of. Either which way, I GUARANTEE you that there were signs. There are ALWAYS signs. It's just that people see what they want to see or they choose to live in denial or they take the path of least resistance. :wub:
  5. In light of DGITW's comments, one thing people always seem to forget is that America is a BIG HONKIN' COUNTRY. We are huge in land mass, and we are huge in population. Here's a chart (ooh, just call me Postman!) I saw last night, but I don't have a date on it. Source appears to be Conservatives EU Commission UN (see right side of chart). Edited to add that since chart isn't displaying without your clicking on it, I'll add a summary - US violence per capita is LESS than 10 other European countries. It came from this link: http://www.bookwormroom.com/2012/12/05/an-armed-society-
  6. I've never heard of anyone needing an AR-15 with a 30-round magazine to defend their person or property, although there could be some that I don't know about. So what's the point of the question?
  7. The media coverage feeds the desire in other nuts to be famous.
  8. I've heard the same. She's Barbed Wire on here.
  9. If it disappears out of your driveway one of these days, it wasn't me, I swear!
  10. I have. It was DRILLED into us when we were little (which was when Daddy taught us how to shoot). We always had guns in the house; we always knew where they were and where the ammo was, and both were unlocked. We knew better than to EVER think about touching a gun without a parent present. And the fact that guns can kill was DRILLED into us. House rules were a) Every gun is always loaded, and 2) Never point a gun at anything you don't want to kill. Daddy's guns were mostly for hunting, but he wouldn't have hesitated to use them to protect our family. He just had a huge respect for them,
  11. Oh, stop with the common sense, you.
  12. Thank the Lord. I hadn't heard that, but I've been busy all day. That was just hurting my heart.
  13. I read the same. High-powered position, lives in Stamford (another town, not another state), prolly in meetings all day long, maybe listened to music on the way home...
  14. Speak for yourself. As a Southerner, I always am thrilled to read something Gen. Sherman said about war.
  15. From the article below, it sounds like guns were a hobby to her. I echo others' thoughts here...some folks like going to yard sales, some folks like the symphony, some folks like guns. Simple as that. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2248645/She-target-shooting-kids-Nancy-Lanza-mother-murderer-Adam-Lanza-avid-gun-collector-taught-sons-use-firearms.html
  16. SUNDAY?!?!? OHMYGOD...what crime scene procedure could possibly be worth that?!?!? They already know who did it, and they have everything else right there. Oh, Lord...that is just horrible. Worse than horrible.
  17. Or guns, for that matter. NYC and Chicago already ban guns, but golly gee, there's still crime there. CT has fairly strict gun laws, and lookee there, today still happened.
  18. AGREED. They should be barely mentioned, and in a derrogatory manner at that.
  19. AGREED. Well said. Editing to add that I'm ALL FOR this freedom. Yes, we have problems. But I value my freedom more than I fear for my safety.
  20. That right there, my dear, is pure loveliness. No, really, it is. I don't even know what to say. No idea...depends on the gun, his marksmanship, etc. And obviously he didn't kill them. I only mentioned it due the context of the conversation.
  21. I'm guessing this is the key to this particular situation. The people who PERHAPS could have stopped it are either dead now or talking to the police. Perhaps they did all they could, and perhaps therapists, et al, did all they could as well. The only thing I can think of to do about crazy is to stay out of its way. And when it comes looking for you, sometimes you just can't.
  22. Some dude in China today wounded one adult and 22 schoolchildren with a knife. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-20723910
  23. I'll tell you what's killing me. I'm just so utterly heartbroken for those 20 sets of parents who are sitting God knows where tonight, and they cannot see their babies, because their tiny little bodies are lying on the hard, cold school floor where they fell. I know they're dead, and it doesn't matter to the kids, but OH, what horrible anguish for those parents. I know I'd be filled with doubt, wondering what if he's barely breathing, and maybe he could be saved? And even though dead, he's all alone...I just need to hold him in my arms and cry. I hugged 5yo nephew more than usual tonight,
  24. Right there with you, sister. Damnation.
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