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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. The first thing any totalitarian government does is abolish freedom of the press. The internet has that to the nth degree, so naturally, it is under attack. I kinda think it's funny that Google is protesting so much when they've actively helped the ChiComs keep their citizens in the dark, but I do back them on this. BAD thing. Bad.
  2. We drove by on Saturday night, I think it was. A weekend night, anyway. The left yard (the way we were headed; fewer decorations) was not lighted, but the one on the right with more decorations was lighted. 5yo nephew loved it, as he did last year. And for such a small space, it's really well-done. Mucho work, I know that...
  3. mei lan


    In the middle of 500 acres on the beach.
  4. mei lan


    Gay or not, pretty darn funny.
  5. mei lan


    In the middle of 500 acres.
  6. The technology is indeed there, but the banking industry does NOT want it, ergo...
  7. Sorry, but not true. http://www.snopes.com/business/bank/pinalert.asp
  8. There's a cute display on Donna Lane (or just off of it...if you're on Donna Lane from Mt. Tabor Church Road, you'll see the lights). Couple of houses near each other.
  9. Believe me - I've been there. And choosing to NOT take this path and doing the work necessary to become a whole individual is WAY harder than it would have been to just give up. Kudos to all who gave help resources.
  10. That was my thought as well! Great (or warped) minds think alike.
  11. Bless your heart. I truly don't know that I have ever heard that perfect a phrase - "chose the easy path" - regarding the awful act. I'm so sorry.
  12. mei lan


    Only six hours?!?!? My mind just shut down. I can't fathom what you could do in six hours. Since you're doing the Rockefeller Center thingy (I assume you meant that), you might just want to check out all the sights int he area, and just kind of wander. Or if you want to see a bunch, you could look for an understandable English-speaking cabbie and pay him to drive you around for an hour or so. We did that once, and it was a great quick way to take in some sights with narration. We also took the Staten Island Ferry there and back; it goes by the Statue of Liberty, and it was a nice tri
  13. Ooh...thanks for sharing. I'll have to head over later to get me some pecans, if there are any left. (And also, books. )
  14. I swaer...I LOVE Christmas...it's such a lovely holiday. But people and the commerciality of it all just get on my LAST NERVE. So I'm bein' a hermit. The less I'm around people, the less I am in a dangerous mood.
  15. What an utterly AWESOME idea! I've never heard of this, but thank you for sharing! I'm sure many people would benefit from this.
  16. Me, too! The toy piano at the end gets me every time...
  17. Thanks...my bad. I didn't realize it was talking about 2012...
  18. HAHAHAHAHA Thanks, Laurie! That is hilarious!
  19. Oregon and New Jersey both have mandatory full-service gas stations. When we were in Oregon, it was shockingly nice to have it pumped for us! YOWSA!!! That smell, which I haven't thought of since I was a kid, just popped back into my brain. Thanks!
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