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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. GOOD FOR YOU!!! Yes, ma'am...I fully agree with you. I wish this lady had thought more like you. I agree with TP on this one (except the part about premeditated murder)...he might have come for me, but either he'd go down with me, or I'd be here and he wouldn't.
  2. Oh, dear Lord - WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AROUND HERE TODAY?!?!? I agree with the Postman and CC both in the same day??? :faintingdeadaway:
  3. Not just the police...she begged the judge - a woman - to keep him locked up, and said to her, "I want to go on record as saying that I fear for my life." Judge said she understood, but she was letting him go anyway with a warning. I'm just sorry she didn't have more protection around her, whatever that would have meant in her situation. Because she was right. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/crime-law/slain-woman-predicted-her-own-death/nTgj4/ http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/man-who-stalked-ex-wife-now-sought-for-her-murder/nTfK8/
  4. THE CHART!!! THE CHART IS BACK!!! WOO HOO!!! However, I actually agree with you when you say that employees shouldn't have allowed employers to have anything to do with healthcare. Health insurance should be independent from any employment, should be interstate purchasable, and be completely portable. Just like auto insurance. RE: independent contractors - the problem a lot of businesses will have with this is that you can't tell an independent contractor what hours to work. But I also foresee the same thing BabeCake did - that businesses will break up into small
  5. Me, too, sweets. I'm sorry I can't help you, but I'm a total dork at stuff like this.
  6. That is AWESOME!!!!!!! I'm so happy they won! Excellent work, everyone! Pubby, I hope all is well...take care and get good rest.
  7. I saw a dump truck driver deliberately swerve one day to run over a large turtle before we had time to stop and move it out of the road. I cried and nearly threw up. That is just so wrong. I always stop and move them to the side of the road in the direction they're heading. And yes, I do use hand sani...I don't want no salmonella. :shudder:
  8. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL!!! You, too?!?!? That is awesome!!! :doinghappydance:
  9. I'm jealous of that middle drawer. SIL has one of these and I love it.
  10. Boy howdy. Lindale on NY Eve...now that is some hoppin' fun right there. Sorry - I grew up in Rome, and I'm still giggling at this. We'll prolly stay in and play cards and stuff. We be wild and carazy dudes here.
  11. YOU QUITTERS ARE FRICKIN' AWESOME!!! I've never smoked, but if I had, I just know I'd have the devil of a time quitting. My father smoked 2 1/2 packs a day until I was born. Shortly after, the dr. told him that with the cough he'd developed, he wouldn't live to see me grow up, so he quit cold turkey as well (after trying to quit by "cutting back" and smoking even more!). He took up candy and the dentist told him to quit that as well. He was sort of a quiet person, so smoking was a coping mechanism for him, to help him feel at ease in social situations. But he never went back, even though
  12. http://www.intellicast.com/National/Radar/Current.aspx?region=csg
  13. You are one of the strangest persons I know of. Which, of course, means - :wub: :wub: :wub:
  14. Bless your heart; I'll keep you in my prayers.
  15. HOW UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL!!! That made me cry, op. Bless your hearts, but I do believe you're gonn remember this Christmas as a blessed one. I'll surely pray that you do. Merry Christmas.
  16. Isn't ancestry.com done by the Mormon Church?
  17. We've only been a dozen times so far this year. We don't like them. At all.
  18. Agreed, BUT I'm sure Ancestry, et al, charge because they bear the burden of putting the information online and maintaining databases, etc. Edited on account of I was really sleepy when I wrote that and I don't spell so gud when I's sleepy.
  19. Same here, sweetie! OK, enough of this sappy crap.
  20. Me, too, me, too!!! :jumpingupanddownraisingmyhand:
  21. Where have you been? It's been a top top top priority for the county for years now. Years, I say.
  22. Perfectly said, my dear. Daddy walked on ahead a little over five years ago, so this will be our sixth Christmas without him. Nothing is the same since then. We don't cry all the time or anything, but all of us feel pretty lackluster about the Christmas holidays now. We treasure the time we can spend together even more, though. We make a stab at holiday cheer because of the nephews, so that's prolly good. I read where Bethel Methodist(?) was having a Blue Christmas service for all the folks who were feeling down or who had suffered a loss this year...I thought that was one of the bes
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