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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. SP, you are such a great dude...such a font of information!
  2. I'm guessing this came up as part of the construction of the Seven Hills Blvd. Extension that runs into 92 at Old Stilesboro. You know the one - that $10M nifty new road that's a mile long joining two roads which intersect about a mile away. At least it's SPLOST money that's building it instead of federal tax dollars.
  3. Ah. I wondered what was behind that. That thing was pretty much a done deal...until it wasn't. Cabela's beats the tar out of Bass Pro Shops, IMHO.
  4. I like you. Well, that works if you live somewhere sketchy.
  5. I figured this as well. EXCELLENT information, sp, as always. Daddy used to buy manure fertilizer from Mr. Hilliard in Cave Spring...our pastures looked awesome and turned off hay like nobody's bidness. The best time was when the truck accidentally dropped a good-sized dollop of it at the edge of the road in front of our house and the high-maintenance cheating witch soon-to-be-ex-wife of the guy who lived behind us ran right through it with her new Cadillac. We still laugh.
  6. Mebbe there's a lesson to be learned there somewhere. Also, go sit with ihave3dogs (the guy ihave3dogs, not the girl ihave3dogs) and quit yer little-girl whinin'.
  7. Pretty sure it is. We got some...it's a better price that I've seen lately at the grocery store, and I like knowing where they come from. Thanks, library peeps!
  8. Oh, quit yer little-girl whinin'.
  9. Interesting. I'm not surepip, but several things I noted: a) The article states that the owner of the Tyson subsidiary farm "has successfully changed the nuisance laws in Macon County to remove any simple recourse to prevent the encroachment and subsequent threat an operation like theirs poses to a chemical-free, biodynamic, decades-old established farm and business like Jeff’s." He didn't do that by himself; he had to have had a majority of the votes on the county commission or whatever the governing body is. 2) In the photo linked at the end of the article, it shows the chicken hou
  10. 10-q, dahlink. I was thinking that, but wasn't sure. Perhaps I read that the one used in the massacre was a .223, or perhaps I'm just totally confused. Which is pretty much how I float through life.
  11. Isn't it a .223? Sorry...I'm not the OP. I'm sure he knows, though.
  12. I'm guessing because of the condition. And I'm guessing what was actually said was along the lines of, "Sir, trust me on this - you really DO NOT want to see your daughter's body. You want to remember her as she was the last time you saw her. Her body was damaged by the ammunition that hit her, and then nearly a day went by before we could get her body to the morgue. You do not want to see her." I can't think they would have absolutely not allowed him to see the body if he had insisted. Such a horrible situation all the way around.
  13. There's a leak at the front of my subdivision that's been leaking for a year. Plumber says it's on their side; they say it's on ours. They come out every so often to look at it, and nothing keeps getting done.
  14. Amen! I'm singing that one in my head...thanks! Here are the lyrics: Peace in the Valley I am tired and weary but I must toil on Till the Lord come to call me away Where the morning is bright and the Lamb is the light And the night is fair as the day There'll be peace in the valley for me some day There'll be peace in the valley for me I pray no more sorrow and sadness or trouble will be There'll be peace in the valley for me There the flow'rs will be blooming, the grass will be green And the skies will be clear and serene The sun ever shines, giving one endless beam
  15. I've heard the same from others here. My sister works for the Floyd Co. School System...she's at a middle school, but she says it's always locked, including secondary exterior doors.
  16. Amen to that, sister. That is one of my favorite old hymns...I'm still humming it. :hugs: to mimosaflower (also one of my favorite trees).
  17. 5yo nephew doesn't, either. I'm glad. Tiny fellers don't need to know everything... Beautiful. I love you.
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