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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. momof3 or Jenilyn prolly went on one of their wild rampages.
  2. I think people are probably a little put off with the idea of "donating" money to an enterprise which costs an arm and a leg already when one has occasion to use it. Also, posting what the donations are for (extra nice waiting rooms, help with parking for old people, what?) would be helpful. Not many are going to call the WellStar dude and ask for a sales pitch.
  3. The Daily Mail has been pretty informative on the story. dailymail.co.uk
  4. I must say we used Skyline a few years ago on a septic tank problem we had, and we were very pleased. They were professional, very nice, came when they said they would, etc. I'd totally use them again.
  5. Could be tension, or could be you're missing stitches at the corners (not putting enough in to make the turn). I haven't crocheted granny squares in a long time (I prefer the more cohesive look of a shell stitch or something like that), but there are MONDO videos on YouTube that can help. I've looked up complicated stuff there before, and they have really helped me out. Also, if you haven't tried it, look at a web site called ravelry.com. You'll need to register to get to everything, but they have patterns GALORE (and it's not your grandmother's crochet anymore, let me tell you). TON
  6. REALLY! I did not know this...I had wondered. I'm not a big morning TV person (seein' as how I'm pert near unconscious till about 11am), but I liked her. I like Ron Gant pretty well, too. Joanne Feldman is awesome. She's my favorite weather person around.
  7. Well, as a kid of introverts who were married nearly 48 years at Daddy's death, I was threatened with death if we EVER thought about throwing them any sort of party.
  8. Some kids are indeed screwed up, but I do believe I could manage to keep a 12-year-old girl at home.
  9. Agree...except that should be plural trucks. They would rue the day they ever heard my name.
  10. momof3, I agree with you - I could NOT stay with a man who would behave this way. But that character isn't just now showing...the spouses have known who they are for a long time. If it does turn into a witch hunt, WFAL, it's nobody's fault but their own. More from the sheriff in this story about nobody else being charged: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2257996/Sheriff-says-charges-Ohio-high-school-rape-case-angry-protesters-demonstrate-outside-local-courthouse.html Edited on account of I'm a dork.
  11. And here's a nice WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH article from the lawyer for one of the rapists. Pity. Deal with it, dude. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2257465/Attorney-alleged-Ohio-high-school-rapists-says-fair-trial-hijacked-hacker-group-Anonymous-outed-people-involved.html
  12. HuffPo isn't the only one; the NYT picked up on the story several days ago, but the blogs have been doing the lion's share of the work here. One of them (link below) was sued by one fo the plyaers who wasn't one of the perps, but he settled quickly. Sounds like a hideously awful mess. I can't believe teh football coach...oh, wait - yes, I can. Geez frickin' Louise. The video at the link below is also hideous. Everything about this is hideous. http://prinniefied.com/wp/ Edited to add that Anonymous being involved in the case is HUGE. I would not want them on my case. I'm not adv
  13. Which is fine. Don't buy their products, don't use their services, and don't vote for them. Vote with your wallet/ballot. That's what I do. Their marketing falls under free speech.
  14. Shepherd's Rest Battered Women's Shelter right here in Paulding. shepherdsrestministries.com or 770-443-5213 24/7
  15. Welcome! Stonewall Jackson was a good man.
  16. Wow...I had not heard this...great news. MAN, there is just so much dire illness in this world. Maybe someday most diseases will be like polio...distant memories. Make it so, Lord!
  17. Wow...that will be a big move, and I, too, hope it will be a good one. How do other states handle their archives?
  18. Look around and find Andy Taylor's post the other day about warning people about moving political stuff to the politics forum. I must say that after being away for a couple of days due to a DREADFUL cold, it's pretty nice in the cafe today, not having to read 40 gajillion political topics.
  19. This is correct. Companies do use smart marketing to try to compel people to use their services or buy their product. What's your point?
  20. Thank you for another bit of trivia to add to the flotsam and jetsam floating around in my brain.
  21. Awwwwwwwwww. :wub: You are da man. Serious bidness.
  22. I see both sides to this, and that tells me that there needs to be some sort of compromise solution. She needs to be more considerate (not expecting you to wait on her hand and foot, etc.), brother needs to step up to the plate and have her over more, and husband needs to stop being a selfish whiny little girl. In order for this to happen, OP will need to be more assertive, and explain to all parties how things should work from here on out. Sounds like OP's stress is coming from her desire to please all parties while not disrespecting her mom. The men in the situation (brother and husba
  23. THIS. I wouldn't doubt one bit if this pregnancy (if it indeed exists; she could fake it and then generate a lot of sympathetic publicity by having a "miscarriage") was orchestrated by Kris Jenner. Just like the wedding was to Kris whateverhisnameisbasketballplayerdude. Ye gods, these people are a boil on the arse of society. And I shall ever LOATHE Ryan Seacrest for foisting them on our culture. I fully realize that they could not continue in their popularity without people in the culture wanting them to; however, I still blame him for bringing them fame.
  24. Also, I HIGHLY encourage anyone in such a situation to read Gavin deBecker's fabulous book The Gift of Fear, which is the best information I've ever read on the subject. Also, the resources of places like Shepherd's Rest (shepherdsrestministries.com) can be WAY helpful.
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