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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Also, I'm reporting you to the LGBT people for being a hom...oh, wait. Never mind.
  2. Jenilyn, I had JUST read that, and I do indeed feel sicker than I already did. That poor child, and they're heard him crying for his parents. A guy at another site posted something I was wondering about - he said why couldn't they pump down some colorless, odorless anesthetic gas of some sort, putting both of them to sleep so they could rescue the kid? He also added that then they could hit the perp in the head with a big effin' hammer, but I don't care so much about that as I do getting the kid out. THEN they can just give him to the parents of the kid, and let them dispense some justi
  3. Jeremy Clarkson said it took them 40 years to get rid of him, and for us not to be sending him back now.
  4. What a great guy. Very interesting character, and a total New Yorker. RIP, sir.
  5. I saw this while ago, and SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Bless its tiny heart!!! 7 days old when they shot this. :wub: :cray: Stonewall, that is fascinating information! Thanks for sharing!
  6. I'm guessing she said something one time that sounded like a Brit would say (like "shan't" or something), and somebody assumed she was British, and now she's just messing with them. I agree, DG, on the British speak... Also, this. (I think we must share a brain. (You should be vewy skeert!!! )
  7. :wub: :wub: :wub: I remember when you got her. How precious!
  8. I have lived through (and am still living through) harder times than I ever imagined I would ever be able to stand. All I can say is that you never realize how strong you are until you don't have a choice but to be strong. And strong means different things to different people. Like NC eating alone...I've never been married, so I've eaten many a meal alone, and I actually enjoy the experience (also I like going to the movies or the museum alone). But other things that she wouldn't have a bit of a problem with are a HUGE difficulty for me. I could write a book about this, and I am actually
  9. My heart has been so burdened for that poor child and his family ever since I heard about this. They would have to forcibly sedate me if I were the mother. I pray that no lasting harm comes to that child.
  10. I say if it's subsidized housing, then the recipients can't gripe when the rules change (i.e., they're not paying for it). But you're correct...we are hard on their heels. :sigh:
  11. pinterest.com unclutterer.com
  12. I figured somebody's brother-in-law was selling the Motorola system. Not that any elected official would ever make a decision based on something like that. No, never.
  13. How is she holding that thing up? Wouldn't it weigh like 20 lbs. or more? And she's holding it above her head with one arm? Doesn't look photoshopped, though (although I'm not an expert). Yowsa. Oh, and welcome, Green Dude!
  14. You won't be wrong about this one, my friend. That's exactly what's going on. Good analysis.
  15. That I can go with. I'm just talking using that to treat diabetes with no other treatments. But overall wellness, yeah. Definitely.
  16. hahahaha I wondered if I was the only one who did that. Serious bidness...I told Mother the other day that I'm becoming a recluse and ordering everything, even food, online, so I never have to leave the house again.
  17. OK, good. Just wanted to be clear on things. :anxiouslywaitingfornextweek:
  18. I'm just wondering how that would work. My little brain can't figure out how an external manipulation would alter internal chemistries.
  19. I had this Monday/Tuesday of last week. I can attest that it is hideously awful. HIDEOUSLY AWFUL. I had to stop in the middle of the road about 1/2 mile from my house, slam the car into park, and lean out and barf. And barf and barf. Thankfully, I live on a very quiet road, so I didn't have to worry about traffic. *** PSA - If you barf just after eating Mexican, your lips and tongue will tingle and feel odd for an hour or so, and if you cry when you puke, like I do, your eyes will burn and be puffy for several hours. *** Then when I finally made it home and dragged myself into the bathr
  20. Clowns are the debil. I just about jumped out of my skin when the guy in the mask moved. GAH!!! I am so loving this show!!! Question: When Joe asked Claire the second question, was he asking if she loved Ryan, or if the kid were his or Ryan's? I thought it was the former, but my mother thought it was the latter. I thought it was the former because she said, "I don't know. You ruined me for love." or something to that effect. Question: Was there something nefarious about the FBI chick giving the Poe book to Joe? Or was it just because she's the head of the alternative religion
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