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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. This is frickin' hilarious. Children of lady who died in Mississippi wrote a riotously funny obituary for their mother who passed away last week, and it was supposed to only appear in local papers for the appreciation of family and friends. But somehow it got picked up by the NYT. What a great, great story!!! These people sound like folks I'd like to know. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/hilarious-obit-viral-article-1.1336567
  2. Most of the minor corporations I've observed don't care, either.
  3. The BBQ I can deal with. The rest - GAH!!! But hey - at least she wore a white veil. And dammit, I've now lost 47 brain cells from reading that crap. Thanks, low. :angry2:
  4. Ditto. Mine was never off to have to turn it back on.
  5. OH NOES!!! I'm so sorry, honey!!! I'm guessing you're at N. Fulton because it's a Level 1 2 trauma center. Please do keep us updated. Praying for you, and a quick, easy recovery! Edited on account of I was wrong.
  6. I saw a blurb about that. I really am not getting the whole 3D printer thing. I need to figure out how it works. Not that I want to build anything with it, but it would be good to know something about it at least.
  7. I didn't turn on the heat. On account of I didn't have to, because it was never turned off. Yes, I am a reptile.
  8. What is a rouge league? Anyhoo, I read it's a rec league, which in many instances is a pretty formal set-up. My nephew plays baseball through the rec dept., and it's called a rec league. Based on the referee uniforms I saw in the pics, this wasn't a pick-up game. Edited on account of I cain't spell worth crap when I'm in a hurry.
  9. The only thing I've read about the parents is that the player left the park and when he heard they were looking for him, his father took him to the police station to turn himself in. Guaranteed that's not the first time they've seen his anger displayed.
  10. Oh, HEY!!! Vinings is INSIDE THE PERIMETER, people. Bounded by I-75, I-285, Log Cabin Road, and the river. Oh, yeah.
  11. BEYOND sad. And it wasn't even over a red card...it was a yellow card! But get this - the Daily Mail article I read yesterday said that this ref had had ribs broken before, and a leg broken before, by players who were mad at him. GEEZ FRICKIN' LOUISE!!!
  12. mei lan


    Although I did get a good laugh all over again reading back through it. Esp. the part about the dog's cold nose.
  13. The only other thing I'd recommend is shorten it to one page, however you can do it. People REALLY do not want to read more than that...they're lazy or they're harried or they're working their way through 800 resumes. Sending PM.
  14. Oh, I know...but there is a Cobb County snob factor.
  15. My guess is it's a snob thing. It is indeed just a postal issue. But I heard of a person once who sued because they found out the zip of the house they had just purchased wasn't 30338 (Dunwoody) but rather 30341 (Tucker). In the same nice neighborhood, but those little numbers were so important to the homeowner.
  16. Tell them if you want, but my guess is if they treated you that poorly, they won't give a rat's behind. When I was in a similar situation, I just left and waved cheerily...they didn't deserve one extra minute of my time or effort. If it'll make you feel better to vent your spleen, however, go right ahead. I can't think why you'd want to deal with these people anymore anyway.
  17. Holy cow - that rat there'll make some mighty good farwood this winter! I hope whoever gets it has a wood splitter.
  18. I've always liked Martha, too. Even when she was on the "Everybody Hates" list, like Barney and Wal-Mart. I think the way she has handled herself after her jail time has been nothing short of excellent. Kudos to Martha!
  19. You got the prayers, sir. I'm so glad he got to go to the game and have fun! :wub:
  20. mei lan

    New Auto

    M' sister Violet! I must say that all the harsh talk did make me feel a bit unhappy as well. Just sayin'.
  21. Well said. what would be utterly tragic is if she had died, and you felt only relief, or happiness, even. It would be really sad to have made such a negative mark on the world as to not provoke a response of mourning at your death. It warms the heart to know you loved her.
  22. I am freezin' frickin' half to death. Us reptiles do not cotton to this cold weather.
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