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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. They said none of the international strains of flu or that SARS-like virus in the Middle East are showing up in blood tests. I figure this must be pretty significant to get the state public health and CDC involved so quickly. I shall be interested ti know what the commonality is. This is kinda like Criminal Minds and victimology, only with sickness.
  2. My law is that the salary, benefits, and retirement of all members of Congress will be the exact same as those of average military personnel.
  3. Glad you're just mostly dead. 'Cause that can be treated.
  4. Bless his heart. Believe me - we are holding him up in our prayers. My dream is to read that he's graduated on time (and healthy) like my head-injury nephew did.
  5. Because he's a stupid idiot? Who likely has either public defender lawyers or attention-grubbing high-dollar lawyers. Either of which would be served with a long, drawn-out trial for them to build their practices on. But basically because he's a stupid idiot. It's my understanding that if he pleaded guilty and allocuted to the crimes, they would still have a trial for the sentencing portion, since it's likely to be a capital case.
  6. Rained here about 15 minutes. Probably .1". But messed up my grasscutting plans. Oh, well...guess I'll just have to go take a nap instead. Woo hoo!
  7. One of my favorite all-time Martin things! "Don't have no SOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGSSSSSS!!!" Classic!!!
  8. Der...shoulda finished reading the comments before I posted.
  9. Hey, you know what? I wouldn't care if they put a Koran or Wiccan literature or whatever in the drawers at state parks. Would not faze me one bit, nor would it affect my decision to stay there.
  10. Well, HWAM and LR, y'all done good.
  11. Our program provides recruits with: A full scholarship that covers the cost of Real Estate School The first 6 months of real estate expenses with BHGRE Metro Brokers (an investment of over $3K in each recruit) In return, the recruit will sign a 24-month commitment to work with BHGRE Metro Brokers and be enrolled in the company’s X-celerater program. WOW. :wub: :wub:
  12. I need a chart. If you're gonna be The Postman for health and nutrition, I need a chart. Preferably from 2007 or so.
  13. I swear, I love you, girl! :wub: Thank you! Smoke, we're still praying for him, as well as for you and your wife (and other kids if you have any). Also sending you a PM.
  14. mei lan

    RIP Ray

    He's been dead since 1997...he just hasn't fallen over yet.
  15. Also, I really like Mike Bettes. Otherwlse, :cray:
  16. The constant wind would get on my last nerve. And the tornaders wouldn't help none, neither. I truly would re-evaluate living there after the second humongous tornado in a dozen years wipes everything out.
  17. It's not a huge area, but it's moving slowly, and dumping lots of rain!
  18. And it's slightly lesser-known prequel, "Cool Hand Luke". Couldn't help myself.
  19. $19 for new customers, I think, and $21 for me. (It doesn't keep going up every year...just a one-time thing, I think.) I own my system, and I have never had a false alarm that wasn't my own fault. They will also do the wireless thing Chester mentions. I have heard great things about Greystone and the EMC security systems.
  20. An accountant friend said the only time leases make sense are for high-end vehicles where you can write it off on taxes - i.e., a small business owner leasing a luxury SUV, for example. My brother did this, and didn't have a particularly bad experience, but he said he'd rather purchase from now on. Also, they're not kidding about paying attention to the mileage thing.
  21. I have heard the same thing (about it not being normal), and I also tend to agree with you. If your brain thought you could handle it, the memories would surface. My memories are sort of fuzzy, but in my case, I think it's more due to my being a non-detail-oriented person. It's hard to have memories of things you didn't even notice in the first place.
  22. I use Ackerman. Been very pleased with their installation and service for 13 years at two different houses.
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