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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I don't have kids, but if I did (esp. girls*), you bet your sweet bippy I'd be talking to them about stuff like. Bad things happen all too often when people just assume everything is fine and that somehow kids will just "know" when something is wrong or to tell someone, etc. * Obviously, violence could be girl-on-boy, but at that age, boy-on-girl violence would be far more likely. I do not hesitate, however, to talk to my older nephews about stuff like this.
  2. There's pretty much nothing wrong that can't be fixed with WD-40 or duct tape or.......camping. I LOVE CAMPING. Good for you for doing it by yourself, RM!!! When we had a 23' thingy, Daddy made me learn how to back it, and I got as good as he was eventually. I think a 5th-wheel/gooseneck/whatever would have been a breeze. I read a very interesting blog several years ago about a couple who pulled a rig up the Alcan Highway to Alaska and back. Fascinating. If you want a real quiet, sweet little place to hang out sometime, try Moccasin Creek State Park up between Hiawassee and Clayton,
  3. DUH - Jefferson By God Davis! Just Kidding. Real answer - Geo. Washington. Followed closely (in time and quality) by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, and James Madison. Modern politicians of either party don't even come close to the definition of statesman.
  4. I figured some dude named Guido or Vinnie sidled up to Mr. Roberts at the deli just before he changed his decision and said, "Pretty little girl you got there. Shame if something happened to her. You have a real nice day now."
  5. Aw, now see - I already love you, and now I love your husband, too!!! It gripes my gut when I walk up to a door in the presence of a man and he doesn't step in front of me to open it. Rude! Please tell him thank you from this strong-willed, independent, lady who was raised to allow men to open doors for her.
  6. And for crying out loud, if you're not disabled, PUT YOUR GROCERY CART IN THE CART THINGY!!! Gripes my gut totally when I see perfectly able-bodied people leaving carts in front of their cars, propped up on the curb, etc. How rude!
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA It's kinda like a sales pitch, but it evokes the image of Princes William and Harry (who go by the last name of Wales). I'm such a dork. Genie is being installed today. The installer I spoke with last week said it was a dream to use, but a nightmare to install. We shall see. Our old system flat out broke down, which is the reason for the upgrade. If it doesn't work well, they'll be hearing from me. I HATE when things don't work as advertised.
  8. I love Mimosa trees! And yes, they are nesting. Also, we've had such strange cool weather all spring that I'm guessing they got a later start to their business than usual.
  9. I have DSL as well. I don't like AT&T but I loathe Comcast. I wish more we'd get more internet providers so the price would drop. Glassdogs - weird how that works. I've been so pleaswed with DirecTV that I've become a walking wales pitch for them.
  10. This is getting old. The Sheriff of Paulding County has NO JURISDICTION over the RYDC. He does not manage the facility, and I'm guessing never steps foot in there. The facility is run by the DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE of the state of Georgia. The building is OWNED by the state of Georgia. The only obvious connection between the Sheriff of Paulding County and the RYDC is that the SO and the RYDC are fairly near each other on Ind. Blvd., and SO deputies can and do take juvenile arrestees there as needed. What happens within the walls of the RYDC has NOTHING to do with law enforcement,
  11. Creeeeeeepy! I have heard of the abdominal thing, though. :shudder:
  12. I took it to mean the Acworth Wal-Mart on 41 next to the QT across from Day's Chevrolet. The area where this happened is near the intersection of 92/41 just north of Lake Allatoona, and ambulances for Cobb residents usually come from that direction. The ambulance would have been heading back south on 41 towards Kennestone. Domestic incident...what a waste.
  13. While the Paulding detention center, which holds up to 75 boys and 25 girls, had the largest percentage with 29 teenage boys reporting staff sexual misconduct, the totals were larger at the other three facilities cited in the report. Eastman, which holds up to 330 boys, had the highest total with 116. Sumter, which holds up to 150 boys, saw 87 report abuse, and 51 reported abuse at Augusta, which holds up to 120 boys. The other figures (which are based on RESPONSES, not inmate populations): Eastman - 24.4% Sumter - 20.8% Augusta - 20.9% http://media.cmgdigital.com/shared/ne
  14. It matters because the Sheriff of Paulding County has nothing to do with running the RYDC. It's a state facility. Run by state employees.
  15. This is referring to Paulding, Georgia. I should hope the GBI would be all over this like white on rice.
  16. That's my guess as well. The way I read the law is that the US will extradite her. Is that what you think?
  17. Well, for sure, it's not your sinuses!
  18. Well, I love living in a country where every person accused of a crime is presumed to be innocent and is afforded due process in a court of law.
  19. Being a girl, I like the security of having a cell phone when I'm out and about. Otherwise, I could easily live without one.
  20. Exactly, gator. And curious, as I said...he's 16. That's a minor, and he's in my care. And he's a priceless treasure. Ergo, I do not go off and leave him somewhere. Evil does exist in this world, and Imma do my damnedest to make sure it does not adversely affect my nephews on my watch. RE: malignant inference statement above - more a statement of different priorities than a comment about someone's judgment. You have a priceless treasure you wanna leave at the library alone, fine by me. I personally am not going to leave my priceless treasures anywhere I am not. If they were my chi
  21. I've read about this before. I just don't wanna eat a bunch of sauer kraut.
  22. Very troubling. I don't like it one bit. I have decided that party affiliation doesn't hatter anymore...they're all crooks and liars.
  23. Just FTR - I am against prosecutorial misconduct no matter who does it. And I detest Karl Rove. That was exactly the case I was thinking of when I first mentioned prosecutorial overreach.
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